Current FD Docs [ Page v0.9 ]
This is the docs section for the latest FD Version.
Using an older version of FD?
Basic Functions [ Page v0.9 ]
Basic Functions of Fast Dial, current version. Guides are listed below.
Note: Items marked with "n/a" are in preparation, and will be available soon!
Using an older version of FD?
To be prepared by eFreak
This Tutorial was created by mafi0z
Since updated and modified by Mafia_Penguin
with suggestions from chiaroscuro
This tutorial shows you how to add a custom image from this site.
What you need:
Fast Dial extension for Firefox
1.) Make a folder to store your logos in, eg., Fast Dial Logos, in My Pictures (Or your OS equivelent, eg., Pictures on a Mac).
2.) Go to, and in the search box at the top, type in the URL (eg., of the site you want to have a logo for.
3.) Click on an image that matches your search.
4.) Right click the larger picture on the detailed information page that matches your color preference, and click "Save Image As..." to the "Fast Dial Logos" folder (or what you called your folder).
5.) Open the Fast Dial window and right click on the cell you have the logo for.
Click on the "Properties" button.
If you are making a new cell, simply click on the blank cell.
6.) If you are adding a new site, fill in the information If it is a site you already have a cell for, the information is already filled.
7.) Click the button with the three dots on it in the "Custom Image" field.
7.) Browse to the file in the box that comes up, and click OK. Click on "OK" in the Properties box.
8.) Wait for the logo to refresh. Be patient, this may take some time.
Once the file is loaded, enjoy your new logo.
TOP left of Frontpage go to Submit content/Logo
That is here
Here is the browse and upload part of that page
Do you not have that ?
Having filled out the different parts of the form then go to the box seen here
Browse first to your Logo on the hard disk, and once that information loaded click on Upload
That should be sufficient
It is worth noting that the Logos uploaded on this site should conform to the aspect ration of the other logos
This matter is discussed in a thread here
Basically in order to make a cell completely transparent it is recommended to load an entirely blank Logo into your Fast Dial Cell.
1. Download a blank Logo from UL.
2. And then in Properties advanced simply load in your saved Fully Transparent Blank Logo to the cell.
The cell will then be simply invisible.
You can possibly chose to have the Title of the Cell visible on hover to be able to identify the cell.
This is a good way to organise your Fast Dial page if you are more interested in seeing the Background Image than a number of Logos.
Loosely based on the following by Gumanov
Some thoughts I have put together:
so looking for Logo for
First if practical get image from URL with right click View Image
That is the starting point.
First Google search
xxxx wiki (with or without com to suit)
Hoping that there is a logo on wikipedia.
Their logos are usually excellent
If there is one that saves a lot of time.
If not then Google search
xxxx logo (without com/org I find usually better, but try both to suit)
Image search and web search.
If you find something half useful then use the extension Tineye and see if you can get further clues
Also a tineye search using that first URL logo might find something.
Also any tineye searches of any logo you find may throw up something useful.
The lower quality the image means that usually tineye finds less matches.
The results of the tineye search always come up in a background tab.
You can see how many hits Tineye has made by looking at the tab.
So if zero can leave.
The default search is best match but biggest image in Tineye is also useful, but the results are sometimes disappointing.
I guess if you are getting really desperate you could try a
Google search logo
web and image
That's about it.
Hope I didn't miss anything out
Lots of patience needed !
If you don't find a good logo there probably isn't one..........
In this tutorial I will teach you how to use to use logos found on this site.
in order for fast dial to use the logos on this site, they have to be downloaded to your computer. Let's make a folder that can store the logos that you download.
You can store the logo anywhere on your computer but "my pictures" and "my documents" are the two most common places to store logos.
I store my logos in my document and that is what i am going to show here but you can easily store them in my picures. If you want to store them in my pictures whenever I say to click on my documents click on my pictures instead.
Table of Contents
Create a folder to store your logos
Search for a logo on userlogos
download a logo to your computer
Use downloaded logos in fastdial
Create a folder to store your logos
Step #1
Click on the start menu and then click “My Documents”
Step #2
A window will appear. Right click on an empty space, then click on new, and then click on folder.
This will create the folder that we are going to put the logos in.
Step #3
On your keyboard hit the “Backspace” key and then type in “Fastdial logos” and then hit the enter key.
Step #4 (Search for a logo on userlogos)
Now that you have a folder to put the your logos in, we can go to userlogos and find some logos for it.
Open firefox and then go to the userlogos web site.
Step #5
On the front page there is a tab in the upper right-hand corner that says logos (highlighted in red in the picture), click on it.
Step #6
Now search for the logo that you want in the search box.
Step #7
If you see the logo that you want, click on it. If not go to the logo request forum ( and ask someone to make the logo.
Step #8 (download a logo to your computer)
Next, a page will open that shows the logo that you want, except larger. Some pages will show several logos and others will just show logo.
This page has two logos:
Step #9
Right click on the image that you would like to use.
A menu will appear. Click on the “Save image as” button.
Step #10
A window will open that is titled “Save Image”. We will now use the folder that you created earlier.
Double click on your user name. (On my computer it is Ingalls).
Step #11
Now scroll down until you find a folder that is called documents.
Double click on it.
Step #12
We are now in the documents folder that we visited earlier in this tutorial. Find the folder that you made (It should be called Fastdial logos) and then double click on it.
Step #13
Now save the image by clicking “Save”
Step #13 (Use downloaded logos in fastdial)
Now we will add the logo to fast dial.
Open up a new tab by going to file and then clicking new tab or by typing CTRL + T on your keyboard.
Step #14
The fast dial page will appear.
Step #15
Find the website that you want the logo for and then right click on it. A menu will appear. Click on properties.
Step #16
A window will open that has the properties of the image. Click on the advanced tab.
Step #17
Click on the button that has three periods. (Highlighted below)
Step #18
In the window that opens, double click on the image that you want.
Step #19
Click “OK”
Step #20
There you go. You have just learned how to replace a screenshot with a logo.
There have been a number of Stylish Styles Proposed which can be downloaded from this site
Black to Checkerboard
Advanced Functions [ Page v0.9 ]
Advanced Functions of Fast Dial - may also include manual Configuration.
Note: Items marked with "n/a" are in preparation, and will be available soon!
Using an older version of FD?
In Firefox, go to Bookmarks/Bookmarks Manager
Go to the Folder in Bookmarks from where you want to copy Bookmarks
If you select one bookmark it will become coloured.
You could copy one Bookmark to Fast Dial or with CTRL pressed down, add further bookmarks to your first selection.
When you have selected all the files you wish to copy to Fast Dial then right click copy.
Go the Fast Dial Folder of your choice in Bookmarks
(Either the Root or any Folder)
Open the Folder and right click and paste onto the Folder Page (right of screen)
This will copy all of your selected bookmarks to the Fast Dial Folder of your choice.
When you open the folder in Fast Dial the bookmarks will appear.
Many thanks
If one goes in Firefox to Bookmarks organise Bookmarks on can see a Folder called Fat Dial.
This is the Root Folder in Fast Dial.
One can with the help of the context Menu place the Root Folder in different places in Bookmarks.
The most common is to make the Fast Dial Folder home.
Please see here
It is also possible to change the name of the Root Folder (called Fast Dial)
To do so go to Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks/Bookmarks Menu
Select the Fast Dial Folder
At the bottom of the page you will see the name of the folder
Simply change the name and exit
The new name of the Fast Dial Folder (The Root Folder) will now be visible in the Tab when you first open Fast Dial in Firefox
Many thanks
This is put together for those that like using Fast Dial with Autohide.
To download the Extension Autohide please go here
The first thing to do is to set up Windows to Start Firefox Maximised.
I am not all sure all versions of Windows are the same in this respect but I recommend the following:
Right click on the Firefox Start Icon and click Properties, in the following Menu under "Run:" select Maximised.
Next I would recommend that you download the Extension Autohide:
On the Help Page you will see this FAQ:
Further down the same page there is information concerning about:config settings for Autohide..
The Autohide Menu available under Options in Firefox Add-ons is very straightforward to set up.
Here is an example of one set of settings
Using Autohide
The most important thing is that you can see this image top right of your screen
If you can see this image it means that you are in Maximised Mode.
That means if you can remain in Fullscreen mode with Toolbars visible on hover.
This is the Autohide Toolbar Icon (in the shape of a cross)
If you left click the Autohide Toolbar Button you will not see the top Windows Bar in Fullscreen Mode.
If you wish to see that Bar at all times, as well as having hover, please right click the Autohide Tollbar Button (thank you telega)
If you find for some reason that you are not in Maximised mode, then press F11, change to Maximised top right of screen and then hit F11 again, or the Autohide Toolbar button.
If you are not in Maximaised Mode in Fullscreen Mode, the Windows Bar at the Top of the screen will remain visible in Fullscreen Mode which is ugly.
And not only that but hover to show Toolbars will cease to Function
If you wish to return to "Normal Mode", that is showing all Toolbars with no hover and so on, the please press SHIFT-F11.
This will return you to what the author of Autohide calls Zombie Mode. :-)
Fast Dial in Fullscreen Mode. (with see toolbars on hover)
Fast Dial in Hover Mode
Google in Fullscreen Mode (with see toolbars on hover)
Having a look this.
Will document where possible.
Enable Advanced Color Profile Support
Firefox has this advanced color profile features that display higher image quality. It is not enabled by default as it has a negative effect on the performance of the browser. If you are concern with the image quality rather than the performance, you can activated it via the gfx.color_management.enabled setting
Config name: gfx.color_management.enabled
Default: False
Modified value: True (if you want to activate the color profile support feature)
1. I find that with color management enabled, when you close a tab it takes ages to disappear.
May delete this post if I find this setting of no use.
There is an extension called Color Management
Question on AMO to developer
Just curious
by ZeHawk on September 5, 2008
Do you do anything special other than set gfx.color_management.enabled?
Developer Reply: not yet
Reply by Sean Hayes on October 6, 2008
Not currently, but I hope to add some new features when I get a chance.
This whole developement is the brain-child of tsuyo
details appeared first in the long thread here.
A number of pictures have been posted of the app as it is being developed.
Pic 1 Version 1
Desktop Loaded as Fast Dial background (no desktop icons)
Pic 2 Version 1.4
Desktop Loaded as Fast Dial Background with Desktop Icons visible
Pic 3 Version 1.5 All Icons on Desktop now visible - four layers
It was telega who first gave some clues about these things.
Please see here
Perhaps the most elegant way to make this change is to do the following
Locate your .xpi of Fast Dial beta 13
Open the .xpi archive with 7-zip
Look for the fastdial.dtd file in the Archive at:
Open Fast Dial dtd with Edit
Scroll down the page until you get to
!entity options "Options"
and change carefully to
!entity options "Preferences"
then save your changes and update your .xpi
The advantage of this method is that if you load this .xpi later Preferences will be correct, and will not need changing again.
An alternative method is the following:
Go to the Fast Dial Profile
The easiest is to open with Open Profile Folder.
Once there go to
Open Fast Dial dtd in a Text Editor
Scroll down the page until you get to
!entity options "Options"
and change carefully to
!entity options "Preferences"
and save
Enjoy !
I am occasionally asked if it is possible to remove the add to fast dial from the main context menu in firefox
(rightclick on web page and then in the menu "add to fast dial")
As I am of the opinion that this is the one most useful features of Fast Dial, I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to remove it.
(There is no way to remove in Fast Dial Preferences)
There is this way - using another Firefox extension.
download the Firefox Extension Menu Editor
once downloaded go to the options of the extension (in addons)
And deselect add to fast dial in the context menu
(show or hide)
Showing is a green tick, hiding is a red mark.
I have tried, seems to work
Not at all recommended !!!
I have noticed that edit menu has removed another item from the context menu without asking.
So be aware of this possibility
I have been looking at a way of editing out "add to fast dial" in the Fast Dial code itself in the Profile
So far little success..
many thanks
Recently I have spent a lot of time in a Fast Dial Folder that was not in the Root.
And I had a thought
I wonder can I make this folder into a false root.
I tried.
I went into Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks,
found the Folder and right clicked
"make fast dial home"
And surprise surprise, it seems to work !
There are down-sides unfortunately.
The big one is that there is no longer the useful back button any more, so this makes it not so easy to get back to the original root folder.
went to bookmarks/Organise bookmarks again.
took the address of the original root folder and pasted it onto the bookmarks toolbar.
This works too.
So I can get back to root if I need to...
This is of course a temporary fix, but useful if one wants to spend a lot of time in a particular folder of fast dial for a limited period
I hope it does not create any problems later down the line....
First discovery
Go to a web page
Click add to fast dial
And well there is only one choice, add to fast dial.
No more any folders as before.
So well | click on add to fast dial
And yes as you might imagine, the web page is saved to the new false root, (which itself contains no folders)
I do not recommend at this point for anyone to try this, or to do so at your own risk...
I am just trying this out right now....... :-)
I suspect that the theoretical Maximum Cell number would be 99x99
However in practice that is a sort of an unmanageable shape.
For those interested in such matters I can confirm that 10x90 cells is possible in FD 2.14.
It is possible to also increase the width to 20x90, and probably beyond, but on my setup that makes the FD page bigger than the screen.
For those with nice wide screens you could maybe play around with larger values
As you set Cell numbers, FD will compute the cells, expect to see this Unresponsive Script Message.
Just hit continue and FD will continue to compute the page.
Fast Dial with this number of cells at least on my machine becomes quite unusable.
Perhaps with plenty of ram and a fast processor, it would be fine.
Feedback welcome.
On my set up
Remove cell clunkety clunk clunkety clunk unresponisve script message hit continue clunkety clunk clunkety clunk.
Preferences menu seems to lose focus quite often
Not for everyone.:-)
This is definitely not for the faint hearted !!
Thanks to user Darkobra for bringing up this question. and for his work with telega to find a resolution to this
The question was first brought up on Userlogos here
This was a fix made by telega for 2.22b only
(Will not work in 2.23b1)
Below is the modified fastdial.htmal file
fastdial.html is to be found in
This whole file needs to be edited in to replace the previous file in the regular Fast Dial 2.22b.
Best done with 7-zip
As then a modified xpi version can be reloaded easily to Firefox
Here is the modified code
var options, sort, thumbnails;
var page = 0, pageCount, perPage;
var params = FdUtils.getQueryParams(document.location);
var wnd = FdUtils.getBrowserWindow();
if (!params.snapshot || params.nosnapshot) {
var snapshot = FdDom.get("snapshot");
var folder, root = FdStorage.getRoot();
if (!params.folder || params.folder == folder = root;
else try {
folder = FdStorage.getItem(params.folder);
folder.parent = FdStorage.getItem(folder.folderId);
folder.parent.isBack = true;
catch(e) {}
document.title = folder.title;
window.addEventListener("resize", onResize, false);
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu, false);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown, true);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, false);
document.addEventListener("drop", onDragDrop, false);
document.addEventListener("click", onClick, false);
document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", onMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener("keypress", onKeyPress, false);
function showIcon() {
var icon = FdDom.parse("");
function initThumbnails() {
options = FdPrefs.getObject("options");
sort = FdPrefs.getString("sort");
thumbnails = getThumbnails();
var input = FdDom.get("search-input");
var search = input && input.value;
var data = FdURL.readURL("chrome://fastdial/content/template/fastdial.tpl");
var template = new JsTemplate.Template(data);
var html ={
options: options,
thumbnails: thumbnails
if (!document.body) document.write(html);
else document.body.innerHTML = html;
function getThumbnails() {
var thumbs = [];
var items = FdStorage.getItems(, sort);
perPage = (showBack() ? -1 : 0) + options.width * options.height;
pageCount = Math.ceil(items.length / perPage);
for(var i = 0; i < perPage; i++) {
var properties = items[page * perPage + i];
if (!properties) continue;
var thumb = new FdThumbnail(properties);
thumbs[i] = thumb;
if (!thumb.isLoading() &&
if (showBack()) {
var back = new FdThumbnail(folder.parent);
return thumbs;
function showBack() {
return !options.hideBack && folder.parent;
function getThumbIndex(index) {
return !sort && page * perPage + (showBack() ? -1 : 0) + parseInt(index);
function onResize() {
var bodyPadding = parseInt(FdDom.css(document.body, "padding-top")) * 2;
var grid = FdDom.get("grid");
var search = FdDom.get("search");
var box = FdDom.get(0);
var thumbnail = FdDom.child(box, "thumbnail");
var thumbnailOffset = parseInt(FdDom.css(thumbnail, "margin-top")) * 2 +
parseInt(FdDom.css(thumbnail, "border-top-width")) * 2;
var title = FdDom.child(thumbnail, "title");
var width = parseInt(options.thumbWidth);
if (!options.fixed) {
width = (window.innerWidth - bodyPadding) / options.width - thumbnailOffset;
height = (window.innerHeight - bodyPadding - search.offsetHeight) /
options.height - thumbnailOffset - title.offsetHeight;
if (height < FdThumbnail.getHeight(width)) {
width = FdThumbnail.getWidth(height);
height = FdThumbnail.getHeight(width) +
title.offsetHeight + thumbnailOffset;
width += thumbnailOffset;
FdDom.get("size").innerHTML = ".box {" +
"width: " + width + ";" +
"height: " + height + ";" +
var top = (window.innerHeight - bodyPadding - search.offsetHeight - grid.offsetHeight) / 2; = top < 0 ? "visible" : "hidden"; = Math.max(top, 0);
function initSearch(value) {
if (options.hideSearch) return;
var icon = wnd.Fd.getSearchEngine().iconURI;
FdDom.get("search-icon").src = icon
? icon.spec : "chrome://browser/skin/Bookmarks-folder.png";
FdDom.get("search-input").value = value;
function onContextMenu(e) {
if (, "input")) return;
wnd.document.popupNode =;
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
wnd.Fd.showContextMenu(e, box && thumbnails[]);
var source;
var previewTimeout;
function onMouseDown(e) {
if (!, "image")) return;
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
source = thumbnails[];
if (e.button == 0 && {
previewTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
function onMouseUp(e) {
function showPreview(thumb) {
if (FdDrag.inProgress()) return;
var snapshot = thumb.getSnapshotURL();
var image = FdCache.getCachedURL(snapshot, "preview");
var preview = FdDom.parse(
"" +
"" +
" +
function hidePreview() {
var preview = FdDom.get("preview");
if (preview) {
function onDragDrop(e) {
for(var i = 0; i < options.width * options.height; i++) {
if (!isMouseOver(FdDom.get(i), e.pageX, e.pageY)) continue;
var target = thumbnails[i];
if (target && || e.ctrlKey && { =; = -1;;
var targetURL = FdStorage.getFolderURL(;
else if (target) {
[,] =
[,] =
sort ? [,]
: [,];
if ( < {
[source, target] = [target, source];
else { = getThumbIndex(i);
if (sort) = -1;;
var folderURL = FdStorage.getFolderURL(;
function isMouseOver(element, x, y) {
x += document.body.scrollLeft;
y += document.body.scrollTop;
var position = FdDom.position(element);
return x > position.left &&
y > &&
x < position.left + element.offsetWidth &&
y < + element.offsetHeight;
function onClick(e) {
if ( == "search-icon") {
var menupopup = wnd.FdDom.get("fd-search-menu");
var offset = -0.4 * parseFloat(FdDom.css(, "font-size"));
return menupopup.openPopup(, "after_start", 0, offset, false, true);
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
if (!box || e.button != 0) return;
var thumbnail = thumbnails[];
if (!thumbnail) {
var properties = {
thumbIndex: getThumbIndex(,
index: -1,
var thumbnail = new FdThumbnail(properties);
return thumbnail.openProperties();
if (, "refresh")) {
return thumbnail.refresh();
else if (, "remove")) {
return thumbnail.remove(true);
else if (, "properties")) {
return thumbnail.openProperties();
else if (, "image")) {
FdUtils.openLink(thumbnail.getURL(), options.openIn || e);
const TIMEOUT_WHEEL = 250;
var wheelTime = 0;
function onMouseWheel(e) {
if (scrollMaxY) return;
var time = new Date().getTime();
if (time - wheelTime > TIMEOUT_WHEEL) {
wheelTime = time;
setPage(page + e.detail / Math.abs(e.detail));
function onKeyPress(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP:
if (!scrollMaxY) setPage(page-1);
if (!scrollMaxX) setPage(page+1);
if ( == "search-input") = null;
if ( != "search-input") break;
var engine = wnd.Fd.getSearchEngine();
var submission = engine.getSubmission(, null);
document.location = submission.uri.spec;
function setPage(aPage) {
if (aPage >= pageCount) aPage = pageCount - 1;
if (aPage < 0) aPage = 0;
if (page != aPage) {
page = aPage;
For those that may be interested to compare and contrast, here is the original code for that file
var options, sort, thumbnails;
var page = 0, pageCount, perPage;
var params = FdUtils.getQueryParams(document.location);
var wnd = FdUtils.getBrowserWindow();
if (!params.snapshot || params.nosnapshot) {
var snapshot = FdDom.get("snapshot");
var folder, root = FdStorage.getRoot();
if (!params.folder || params.folder == folder = root;
else try {
folder = FdStorage.getItem(params.folder);
folder.parent = FdStorage.getItem(folder.folderId);
folder.parent.isBack = true;
catch(e) {}
window.addEventListener("resize", onResize, false);
document.addEventListener("contextmenu", onContextMenu, false);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", onMouseDown, true);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", onMouseUp, false);
document.addEventListener("drop", onDragDrop, false);
document.addEventListener("click", onClick, false);
document.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", onMouseWheel, false);
document.addEventListener("keyup", onKeyUp, false);
setTimeout(function() {
document.title = folder.title; // 2ms
showIcon(); // 2ms
}, 0);
function initThumbnails() {
options = FdPrefs.getObject("options");
sort = FdPrefs.getString("sort");
thumbnails = getThumbnails(); // 6ms : 1ms
// 8ms : 6ms
var data = FdURL.readURL("chrome://fastdial/content/template/fastdial.tpl");
var template = new JsTemplate.Template(data);
var html ={
search: FdPrefs.getObject("search"),
options: options,
thumbnails: thumbnails
if (!document.body) document.write(html);
else document.body.innerHTML = html;
onResize(); // 9ms : 9ms
function showIcon() {
var icon = FdDom.parse("");
function getThumbnails() {
var thumbs = [];
var items = FdStorage.getItems(, sort);
perPage = (showBack() ? -1 : 0) + options.width * options.height;
pageCount = Math.ceil(items.length / perPage);
for(var i = 0; i < perPage; i++) {
var properties = items[page * perPage + i];
if (properties) {
var thumb = new FdThumbnail(properties);
if (!thumb.isLoading() &&
thumbs[i] = thumb;
if (showBack()) {
var back = new FdThumbnail(folder.parent);
return thumbs;
function showBack() {
return !options.hideBack && folder.parent;
function getThumbIndex(index) {
return !sort && page * perPage + (showBack() ? -1 : 0) + parseInt(index);
function onResize() {
var bodyPadding = parseInt(FdDom.css(document.body, "padding-top"));
var grid = FdDom.get("grid");
var search = FdDom.get("search");
var thumbnail = FdDom.get(0);
var thumbnailBorder = parseInt(FdDom.css(thumbnail, "border-top-width"));
var title = FdDom.child(thumbnail, "title");
var width = options.thumbWidth;
var height = FdThumbnail.getHeight(width);
if (!options.fixed) {
width = (window.innerWidth - bodyPadding * 2) / options.width - thumbnailBorder * 2;
height = (window.innerHeight - bodyPadding * 2 - search.offsetHeight) /
options.height - thumbnailBorder - title.offsetHeight;
if (height < FdThumbnail.getHeight(width)) {
width = FdThumbnail.getWidth(height);
width = Math.max(width, FdThumbnail.MIN_WIDTH);
height = FdThumbnail.getHeight(width) + title.offsetHeight;
FdDom.get("size").innerHTML = ".box {" +
"width: " + width + ";" +
"height: " + height + ";" +
function onContextMenu(e) {
if (, "search-input")) return;
wnd.document.popupNode =;
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
wnd.Fd.showContextMenu(e, box && thumbnails[]);
var source;
var previewTimeout;
function onMouseDown(e) {
if (!, "image")) return;
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
source = thumbnails[];
if (e.button == 0 && {
previewTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
}, 500);
function onMouseUp(e) {
function showPreview(thumb) {
if (FdDrag.inProgress()) return;
var snapshot = thumb.getSnapshotURL();
var image = FdCache.getCachedURL(snapshot, "preview");
var preview = FdDom.parse(
"" +
"" +
" +
function hidePreview() {
var preview = FdDom.get("preview");
if (preview) {
function onDragDrop(e) {
for(var i = 0; i < options.width * options.height; i++) {
if (!isMouseOver(FdDom.get(i), e.pageX, e.pageY)) continue;
var target = thumbnails[i];
if (target) {
if ( || e.ctrlKey && { =; = -1;
var targetURL = FdStorage.getFolderURL(;
else {
[,] =
[,] =
sort ? [,]
: [,];
if ( < {
[source, target] = [target, source];
else { = getThumbIndex(i);
if (sort) = -1;;
var folderURL = FdStorage.getFolderURL(;
function isMouseOver(element, x, y) {
x += document.body.scrollLeft;
y += document.body.scrollTop;
var position = FdDom.position(element);
return x > position.left &&
y > &&
x < position.left + element.offsetWidth &&
y < + element.offsetHeight;
function onClick(e) {
if (, "search-icon")) {
var menupopup = wnd.FdDom.get("fd-search-menu");
var offset = -0.4 * parseFloat(FdDom.css(, "font-size"));
return menupopup.openPopup(, "after_start", 0, offset, false, true);
var box = FdDom.parent(, "box");
if (!box || e.button != 0) return;
var thumbnail = thumbnails[];
if (!thumbnail) {
var properties = {
thumbIndex: getThumbIndex(,
index: -1,
var thumbnail = new FdThumbnail(properties);
return thumbnail.openProperties();
if (, "refresh")) {
return thumbnail.refresh();
else if (, "remove")) {
return thumbnail.remove(true);
else if (, "properties")) {
return thumbnail.openProperties();
else if (, "image")) {
FdUtils.openLink(thumbnail.getURL(), options.openIn || e);
const TIMEOUT_WHEEL = 250;
var wheelTime = 0;
function onMouseWheel(e) {
if (scrollMaxY) return;
var time = new Date().getTime();
if (time - wheelTime > TIMEOUT_WHEEL) {
wheelTime = time;
setPage(page + e.detail / Math.abs(e.detail));
function onKeyUp(e) {
switch(e.keyCode) {
case e.DOM_VK_PAGE_UP:
if (!scrollMaxY) setPage(page-1);
if (!scrollMaxX) setPage(page+1);
if (, "search-input")) { = null;
if (!, "search-input")) break;
var engine = wnd.Fd.getSearchEngine();
var submission = engine.getSubmission(, null);
document.location = submission.uri.spec;
function setPage(aPage) {
if (aPage >= pageCount) aPage = pageCount - 1;
if (aPage < 0) aPage = 0;
if (page != aPage) {
page = aPage;
The below does NOT work with Firefox 3.5 plus !!
Thanks to Ingalls for confirming this.
It is possible in Fast Dial to set your Fast Dial Page (root) to simply become your most visited Folder in Bookmarks.
This is somewhat limiting, but some users may want Fast Dial to work in this way.
To do this go Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks
Look for the Folder Most Visited
Select the Most Visited Folder with the mouse, right click and in the context menu select Fast Dial make Home.
To undo and return to your original settings, repeat the process but go to the Fast Dial Folder in Bookmarks and select Fast Dial Make Home.
If you find you do not have a most visited Folder in Bookmarks please see here
This is a picture of the setting to be changed in about:config
click to enlarge
Do not worry if you go back to about:config that the value has reset to 1 after you have set it to zero !
The Most Visited Folder will then be be found in Bookmarks Toolbar, which can be found in Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks (see above)
Many thanks
TroubleShooting FD [ Page v0.9 ]
Having Trouble with Fast Dial? You came to the right place!
Note: Items marked with "n/a" are in preparation, and will be available soon!
Using an older version of FD?
It is my opinion that the easiest way to migrate the Fast Dial Profile is to use FEBE and simply make a Full Profile Backup from your present working Fast Dial.
This is a full Firefox Profile Backup so will include every aspect of your Firefox Profile.
And then make a Full Profile restore to your new empty Profile.
It is worth remembering if you are moving to a different Computer that FEBE makes a Full Profile Restore from another Profile to the one that one wants to restore.
So you may find it necessary to have two Profiles running to facilitate this. One profile to run Febe and the other to Restore your backed up Profile into.
If you do a FEBE Full Profile Backup and Restore, this will mean that your images stored in the Fastdial Folder and your settings stored in Bookmarks will all be effortlessly restored to your new Profile by FEBE.
Userlogos Tutorial
See also FEBE Documentation
link 1
link 2
Go the New Profile, open Firefox and the Fast Dial Page will open as it did in you previous Profile
This is very labour saving and gives a very satisfactory outcome.
This software is rock solid and easy to use.
This is the more traditional method of Migrating your Fast Dial Profile in Fast Dial Version 2.x
In Fast Dial 2.x running in Firefox 3.x all Fast Dial Settings are stored in Firefox Bookmarks.
That is your Page and Folder Information, your settings and the URLs
But NOT the Logos which are stored in the fastdial folder in the Firefox Profile.
It is useful to understand that the Fast Dial Folder in Bookmarks cannot be backed up and then restored in isolation, and that it is necessary in order to migrate the Fast Dial Folder to migrate the whole of Firefox Bookmarks.
So backing up and restoring of Fast Dial 2 is more a Firefox function than a Fast Dial Function.
1. Backup your Firefox Bookmarks
You will need to go to
Organize Bookmarks
Import and Backup
Backup function.
Backup your Bookmarks to a place of your choice.
2. In the Firefox profile in which you wish to load your Fast Dial settings, go to:
Organize Bookmarks
Import and Backup
Restore function
and restore the file that you had saved in 1.
This will among other things restore your Fast Dial Folder where all the Fast Dial information is stored.
3 Once this is done and you return to Fast Dial, you should re-discover the Fast Dial Profile that you have just moved,
Another way to migrate your Fast Dial settings in Fast Dial 2.x for the more technically minded is available here.
I have looked into the question of what address one enters in the URL Field to enable one to use these Logos.
This is all presupposes that one has Fast Dial set up as home in the fast dial folder in Bookmarks menu.
(Please see previous thread for method employed below)
My impression so far:
If one enters the below addresses as URL for a cell then these will then open like Folders.
It is my impression that:
opens the All Bookmarks Folder (will appear in fast dial mode)
Includes on Fast Dial Page (cells)
Bookmarks Menu
Bookmarks Toolbar
Unsorted Bookmarks
(so above logos could be used here !)
So one could stop there and use the logos on this fast dial page.
However it is also my impression that
opens bookmarks menu (will appear in fast dial mode (cells))
So this will include as cells all the folders in bookmarks menu
It is also my impression that:
is Bookmarks Toolbar (also shown in fast dial mode)
It is also my impression that:
is unsorted bookmarks (also shown in fast dial mode)
It sort of follows that
is tags (not yet confirmed)
Not so sure yet about recently bookmarked as it is a subfolder of bookmarks Menu, so can be reached from there.
Please use the back cell in these bookmark folders with caution.
It will not take you back to the fast dial root, as you are now in bookmarks folders and no longer in fast dial.
So you are now in the bookmarks hierarchical structure.
This is a little confusing at first !
many thanks
For your possible interest also:
Bookmarks Manager
Chrome URL
this works fine (takes one directly into bookmarks)
However this does not open Bookmarks in Fast Dial mode.
Regarding use of chrome xuls in Fast dial please see here:
1. If you have a space in the background name, this creates a problem. So simplify the name of the background file and try again
2. I have found on my machine that I cannot change backgrounds, once I have loaded a background.
If I go to the default Style in Fast Dial Styles. which has no background.
So using default I have created another style which has all my usual settings and no background.
I call this style template.
So to use a new background I simply go to the style template, load in a background and then rename template* with the name of the background (in Preferences/Styles)
Close all versions of Firefox
In windows go to start (or hit Windows Icon + R on the keyboard)
then to run
in the run window type in firefox.exe -p
hit OK
you should then get prompted by profile manager.
(if you have not closed all versions of Firefox you will not see the Profile manager, you will simply enter Firefox.)
select create profile |.............(you can also use this menu to delete a profile when you wish to)
follow the prompts
create a name of your choice when prompted
select finish
you will then see the names of the profiles that you are running in Firefox.
select the one you want to run and hit start firefox
So if you want later to change which profile you are in.
Close all Firefoxes
Go back to the run prompt.
What you have typed in previously should still be in the run Window, so no need to retype.
When you are in Profile manager select the profile that you want to use and hit start Firefox.
You will then be in the Profile of your choice.
Once you are in a particular Profile you can always use your usual Firefox icon to restart Firefox.
You will always remain in the same profile doing that until you change your profile again in the Profile manager.
You can also rename your present profiles following the prompts, to help clarify which is which, and also, but it is good to be careful, delete any profile you wish.
On the prompt save xpi download the file and save to a Folder on your hard disk
Then go to Firefox
Go Tools/Add-ons
Open Add-ons Page
Restore down addons page (Make small)
Minimise Firefox
Go to Folder with downloaded xpi file
Restore down page (make smaller)
You will then have hopefully two smaller frames on your screen, the Add-ons page and the Folder with the xpi file in it
This will enable you to easily Drag and drop xpi onto the Add-ons Page
Follow prompts
Restart Firefox
Good luck !
At the moment a bug report has been entered
Here is a link to the report:
Autohide Bug Report
Hopefully this bug will be resolved as it is can be reproduced.
Have posted here in case anyone is looking for information about this.
New inbuilt Fast Dial Autohide in Version 2.14.0
This problem was first discovered in this Userlogos thread
The symptoms, as can be seen from the thread, is that although it seems possible to load Fast Dial into Firefox, on Computer reboot Fast Dial does not work and is found to be incompatible.
This problem seems to being caused by Norton
Norton is force installing its own extensions into Firefox without asking the user, and to to enable this process is deleting extensions.rdf on computer bootup.
Norton has not yet come up for a fix to this whole issue.
For greater details of the whole problem please see this excellent thread in the Norton Support Forum here
As can be imagined this behaviour of Norton is very frustrating for fast dial users, as bar trying one of the fixes suggested, it is necessary to reload fast dial after every computer reboot !!
There have been a number of reports of this problem
On userlogos here
On the web here
This problem is not only experienced with Fast Dial, but with other extensions too,
as can be seen from these posts, the problem is being caused by Norton.
It would seem that Norton is deleting the file extensions.rdf in the Firefox Profile, on reboot of the computer.
This is being done to ensure that the Norton Firefox extensions are loaded into firefox.
The method used however may work for Norton, but is invasive and disruptive and works in a ham-fisted manner.
For the moment I have not heard of a fix of this problem coming from Norton.
Some users are removing the Norton extensions and then making extensions.rdf read only.
Might work short term, but is not that convenient.
But neither is reloading extensions after every computer reboot !!! :-)
Let us hope that Norton come up with a fix quickly.
This is a method which is built into Firefox for a forced restore of Bookmarks should they get corrupted
For a fuller examination of this subject please see here
This procedure makes uses of an internal functioning of Firefox.
If places.sqlite, which is the file where all Bookmarks are stored is deleted, Firefox automtically reconstructs a new Places.sqlite from its own automatic backups.[JSON}
To force this process to happen in the case of corrupted bookmarks.
1. First make sure that no Firefox Profiles are running at all on your computer.
2. Find the Corrupt Profile in question on your Hard Disk where you want to restore the bookmarks
3. When you find the right Profile look for the file places.sqlite, and also any places.sqlite-journal or places.sqlite.corrupt files.
And delete them.
Once deleted, exit your operating system, and simply re-start your Firefox.
On start up Firefox will automatically reconstitute your bookmarks [places.sqlite] from its own automated backup.
Hopefully you will find that your Bookmarks and your Fast Dial will have been automatically restored.
The only and rather small downside to this procedure is that past History will be erased.
Many thanks
Thanks to Mafi0z for starting me off on this.
Thanks to Mafia_Penguin for the Logos
For examples of other Chrome URLs that you could use in Fast Dial please see here
Fast Dial 1.x
It was a simple matter in Fast Dial 1.x to load about:config from a cell.
All one had to do was to enter about:config as the URL
And Fast Dial could derive an image of the Config file.
And the cell was immediately useable
This still continues to be the case with FD v1.90 in FF 3.0.4.
Fast Dial 2.x
However with Fast Dial v2.x for reasons that remain still unclear, entering about:config in the URL field for a cell in Properties Menu does not work.
If one enters about:config in the URL field of the cell, for some reason it is changed to about://config/.
This then in turn causes:
To see different users feedback regarding this problem please see this post
A workaround to this problem is the following:
Instead of entering about:config in the URL Field in the Properties Menu
please enter the following:
This will work fine.
However you will also find that it is neccessary to use a custom image for the cell, for otherwise the cell will refresh endlessly and never load an image.
So please enter a custom image.
A number of great Logos have now been made by Mafia_Penguin especially for using with the about:config cell.
Please find here
When you have entered your Custom Image / Logo click OK and exit
Once the cell is ready, click on the finished cell.
And about:config should open. (name visible in Tab)
about:config links
1 Link
Fast Dial 2.14
New Feature
Added Import/Export context menu item - rightclick on any bookmark folder (in bookmarks menu, sidebar or bookmark manager) and export/import it.
This is a very useful function as it enables one to backup and restore the Fast Dial Bookmarks Folder independently of the Main Bookmarks Folder.
I am going to document this here
If you find that in 2.15 your tabs are very large it is because of the Fast Dial Toolbar button being in the Tab Bar.
On it's own it does no harm.
But Tab Mix Plus also puts an icon in the Tab Bar.
Two Icons means big tabs
To remove the Tab Mix Plus Icon please deselect the all tabs button in Tab Mix Plus
This whole matter has now been resolved thanks to hirsute and Tab Mix Plus
The two icons sit next to each other just fine in the latest Version of Tab Mix Plus
To download this new version of Tab Mix Plus please try here:
Thank you Tab Mix Plus !!!!
My interest in this question was provoked by some information posted by Mafi0z here
Regarding assess to Bookmarks in Fast Dial please see here
A much more detailed description of how to go about this procedure can be seen here: seen here
How to load about:config into a Fast Dial 2.x Cell
Reference pages I am using at the moment:
4. here
5. here
6. here
Items below tested in FF 3.0.4
Transparent Logo thanks to Mafia_Penguin please see here
The error console
Transparent Logo thanks to Cool Text
List of extensions loaded
Transparent Logo thanks to Cool Text
Bookmarks Manager
Transparent Logo thanks to Cool Text
Firefox Options Menu
Transparent Logo thanks to Cool Text
A list from Mozilla
Untested Items
Many of these don't work
chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul A Help->About Mozilla
chrome://browser/content/browser.xul A Main browser window
chrome://browser/content/hiddenWindow.xul U N/A
chrome://browser/content/macBrowserOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://browser/content/metaData.xul U N/A
chrome://browser/content/openLocation.xul R File->Open File
chrome://browser/content/pageInfo.xul AD Tools->Page Info
chrome://browser/content/pageReport.xul R Old message received when popup is blocked
chrome://browser/content/pageReportFirstTime.xul R Old message received first time a popup is blocked
chrome://browser/content/setWallpaper.xul D Context(image)->Set As Wallpaper
chrome://browser/content/web-panels.xul AD The last page opened in the side bar.
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark.xul AR Old Context(page)->Add bookmark – better than default
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/addBookmark2.xul AD Context(page)->Add bookmark – 1 option hidden
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/selectBookmark.xul AD Tools->Options->General->Use Bookmark
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksProperties.xul D Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks->Context(bookmark)->Properties – 2 tabs hidden
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksManager.xul AD Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks
chrome://browser/content/bookmarks/bookmarksPanel.xul AD Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks : Right panel
chrome://browser/content/migration/migration.xul AD Bookmarks->Manage Bookmarks->File->Import – 1 option hidden
chrome://browser/content/history/history-panel.xul AD Go->History
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref.xul AD Tools->Options
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-advanced.xul AD Tools->Options->Advanced
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-advancedscripts.xul AD Tools->Web Features->Advanced
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-connection.xul AD Tools->Options->General->Connection Settings
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-extensions.xul AR Tools->Extensions – may also show hidden (old format) extensions!
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-features.xul AD Tools->Options->Web Features
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-fonts.xul D Tools->Options->General->Fonts & Colors
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-languages.xul D Tools->Options->General->Languages
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-calibrate-screen.xul A Gives area to put a ruler up to for calibration?
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-masterpass.xul AD Tools->Options->Privacy->Saved Passwords->Set Master Password
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-navigator.xul AD Tools->Options->General
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-privacy.xul AD Tools->Options->Privacy
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-features-images.xul AD Tools->Options->Web Features->Image Exceptions
chrome://browser/content/pref/pref-themes.xul AR Old Tools->Themes
chrome://browser/content/pref/plugins.xul AD Tools->Options->Downloads->Plugins
chrome://browser/content/cookieviewer/CookieViewer.xul D Tools->Options->Privacy->Cookies->View Cookies
chrome://browser/content/cookieviewer/CookieExceptions.xul D Tools->Options->Privacy->Cookies->Exceptions
chrome://cookie/content/cookieTasksOverlay.xul AD N/A
chrome://cookie/content/cookieNavigatorOverlay.xul AD N/A
chrome://cookie/content/cookieContextOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/cookiePrefsOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/pref-cookies.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/pref-images.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/pref-popups.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/p3p.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/p3pDialog.xul U N/A
chrome://cookie/content/cookieAcceptDialog.xul D Asks what to do with a new cookie
chrome://global/content/nsHelperAppDlg.xul RU Open linked file dialog?
chrome://global/content/nsProgressDialog.xul RU Download manager progress dialog? Maybe enabled with a pref?
chrome://global/content/charsetOverlay.xul D View->Character Encoding (menu)
chrome://global/content/commonDialog.xul U Yes/No dialog box – used as base for all dialogs?
chrome://global/content/customizeCharset.xul AD View->Character Encoding->Customize List
chrome://global/content/customizeToolbar.xul D View->Toolbars->Customize...
chrome://global/content/editMenuOverlay.xul D Edit (menu)
chrome://global/content/finddialog.xul RU Find dialog?
chrome://global/content/fontpackage.xul U N/A
chrome://global/content/selectDialog.xul U N/A
chrome://global/content/globalOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://global/content/dialogOverlay.xul U Lots of yes/no buttons
chrome://global/content/console.xul AD Tools->Javascript Console
chrome://global/content/filepicker.xul R File selection dialog called by old File->Open File dialog
chrome://global/content/printdialog.xul D File->Print
chrome://global/content/printjoboptions.xul U N/A
chrome://global/content/printPageSetup.xul D File->Page Setup
chrome://global/content/printPreviewProgress.xul D File->Print Preview message shown while preparing to preview the document
chrome://global/content/printProgress.xul D File->Print message shown while printing the document
chrome://global/content/config.xul AD about:config
chrome://global/content/viewSource.xul D View->Page Source
chrome://global/content/viewPartialSource.xul UD View->Selection Source?
chrome://global/content/dummyWindow.xul U Closes current window
chrome://global/content/alerts/alert.xul F Window used for stuff like "download complete" that shows in lower right
chrome://help/content/help.xul A Help->Help Contents->Left panel
chrome://help/content/helpMenuOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://help/content/helpContextOverlay.xul U N/A
chrome://help/content/customizeToolbar.xul View->Toolbars->Customize
chrome://mozapps/content/profile/createProfileWizard.xul AD Closes current window
chrome://mozapps/content/profile/profileSelection.xul U Closes current window
chrome://mozapps/content/xpinstall/xpinstallConfirm.xul D Install xpi dialog
chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/unknownContentType.xul D Open unassociated content type dialog
chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/pref-downloads.xul D Tools->Options->Downloads
chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/editAction.xul D Tools->Options->Downloads->File Types->Change Action
chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloads.xul AD Tools->Downloads
chrome://mozapps/content/downloads/downloadProperties.xul RU Old download status dialog?
chrome://mozapps/content/plugins/pluginInstallerWizard.xul D Plugin installer first screen
chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/extensions.xul AD Tools->Themes left panel
chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/about.xul D Tools->Themes->About
chrome://mozapps/content/extensions/finalize.xul D Install xpi last screen
chrome://mozapps/content/update/update.xul D New Firefox version extension compatibility list
chrome://mozapps/content/update/errors.xul U Window with an empty input box and a cancel button
chrome://necko/content/redirect_loop.xul Displays when a website keeps redirecting to itself
chrome://passwordmgr/content/passwordManager.xul AD Tools->Options->Privacy->Passwords->View Saved Passwords
chrome://pippki/content/changepassword.xul A Old master password manager (has a security device option?)
chrome://pippki/content/getpassword.xul A Old master password prompt?
chrome://pippki/content/resetpassword.xul AD Reset master password prompt
chrome://pippki/content/PrefOverlay.xul A Shows blank white page
chrome://pippki/content/pref-ssl.xul A SSL settings
chrome://pippki/content/pref-certs.xul AF Tools->Options->Advanced->Certificates
chrome://pippki/content/pref-ciphers.xul A SSL cipher settings
chrome://pippki/content/cipherinfo.xul A Details from SSL cipher settings
chrome://pippki/content/ssl2ciphers.xul R Very old SSL2 cipher dialog
chrome://pippki/content/ssl3tlsciphers.xul R Very old SSL3 cipher dialog
chrome://pippki/content/ssl3tlsciphers2.xul R Another old SSL3 cipher dialog
chrome://pippki/content/PageInfoOverlay.xul R Old style window with a View button
chrome://pippki/content/newserver.xul R New certificate dialog?
chrome://pippki/content/downloadcert.xul R New certificate dialog?
chrome://pippki/content/cacertexists.xul A "Certificate already exists" message
chrome://pippki/content/certManager.xul AF Tools->Options->Advanced->Manage Certificates
chrome://pippki/content/CAOverlay.xul R Very old certificate manager
chrome://pippki/content/WebSitesOverlay.xul R Another very old certificate manager
chrome://pippki/content/OthersOverlay.xul R Yet another very old certificate manager
chrome://pippki/content/MineOverlay.xul R Still another very old certificate manager
chrome://pippki/content/viewCertDetails.xul R Details from the old certificate managers
chrome://pippki/content/editcacert.xul X Crashes browser when opened
chrome://pippki/content/editemailcert.xul X Crashes browser when opened
chrome://pippki/content/editsslcert.xul X Crashes browser when opened
chrome://pippki/content/deletecert.xul U Delete certificate yes/no dialog?
chrome://pippki/content/getp12password.xul U Certificate restore password prompt?
chrome://pippki/content/setp12password.xul A Certificate backup with password prompt?
chrome://pippki/content/domainMismatch.xul A Certificate domain mismatch prompt?
chrome://pippki/content/serverCertExpired.xul A Certificate expired/continue anyway prompt?
chrome://pippki/content/clientauthask.xul A Client request for certificate?
chrome://pippki/content/certpicker.xul A Certificate picker?
chrome://pippki/content/certViewer.xul D Tools->Options->Advanced->Manage Certificates->View
chrome://pippki/content/certDump.xul A Very old certificate viewer
chrome://pippki/content/device_manager.xul AD Tools->Options->Advanced->Manage Security Devices
chrome://pippki/content/load_device.xul A Tools->Options->Advanced->Manage Security Devices->Load
chrome://pippki/content/choosetoken.xul A "Please choose a token" prompt
chrome://pippki/content/escrowWarn.xul A "Certificate authority has asked to make a backup" prompt
chrome://pippki/content/pref-validation.xul D Tools->Options->Advanced->Validation
chrome://pippki/content/crlManager.xul A Tools->Options->Advanced->Manage CRLs
chrome://pippki/content/pref-masterpass.xul R Old master password dialog
chrome://pippki/content/serverCrlNextupdate.xul A "Please ask your system administrator for assistance" prompt
chrome://pippki/content/createCertInfo.xul A "Key Generation in progress..." prompt
chrome://pippki/content/crlImportDialog.xul A "Certificate Revocation List (CRL) was successfully imported" prompt
chrome://pippki/content/pref-crlupdate.xul A "Enable Automatic Update for this CRL" prompt
chrome://pippki/content/formsigning.xul A Certificate text sign agreement prompt
There was an interesting post on this subject here
In order to make these changes you will first need to find your Firefox Profile.
1. Find your Firefox profile
If you are running Firefox 2 this is an easy matter as you can use the Extension Open Profile Folder
Go Tools/Open Profile Folder and you should see the Firefox Profile that you are running.
If you cannot use Open Profile Folder you will have to look manually for your Firefox Profile Folder.
The following chart should help you locate your Firefox Profile:
So once you have found the Firefox Profile.
and Edit RDF File
In this line you will see the current Version you are running.
If you change the value to a higher number than any current Version, you will no longer be prompted for updates
related post:
How to return to Fast Dial 1.x after running Fast Dial 2.x
There has now been an important change in Fast Dial as of Version 2.18
And that is that one can go back to setting Firefox to open in about:blank to open Fast Dial.( so no longer: chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html)
This means that all the problems described below in relation to Tab Mix Plus no longer exist if you are using Fast Dial V2.18 and later
This is an important and useful change in Fast Dial.
All the below information is relevent only to Versions of Fast 2.15 - 2.16 - 2.17
Excellent post by anon on this subject here
An interesting problem has arisen
As you may know there is a need with 2.15 and later Versions to set Home Page as:
Please see here
However you may find now that when you hit CTRL-T now you get this :
(please click on image to enlarge)
If you go to Tab Mix Plus Options you will see this:
So Tab Mix Plus is opening new Tabs on about:blank
And well Fast Dial is no longer on about:blank
So the result of this setting is a blank page.(see above)
To resolve the problem do the following:
Change the setting:
With this fix in Fast Dial Versions after and including V2.16, then click on Fast Dial Icon on Toolbar, or hit CTRL-T and Fast Dial opens in New Tab
Many thanks
Interesting Information
In previous version Fast Dial used to intercept "about:blank" urls, and load Fast Dial page. In order to avoid conflict with new versions of Tab Mix Plus (double blank-tab opening), I made Fast Dial load only in newly opened tabs and if chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html url is entered. As Tab Mix Plus overrides BrowserOpenTab with its own function, TMP users had to specify TMP to open chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html in new tabs, to get FD displayed in new tabs.
Interesting post on this matter here.
The matter is not fully documented at the moment.
More will be added to this page in due course.
I presume this problem is related to Version 2.11 but this has not been confirmed.
I first noticed this post on the Fast Dial AMO Page
by Daniel Houriez on October 28, 2008
Nice addon, very useful.
For the many others who have their address bar screwed up, just removing the icon from the toolbar fixed this for me. You still have many other ways to access FD's options.
So I then posted a Bug Report here
Since then there has been a further post on this matter here
To remove the Fast Dial Toolbar Icon please see
Fast Dial Toolbar Icon
If for some reason you need to reset defaults in Fast Dial and you cannot access Preferences please try the following:
Type about:config in the address bar
Hit go
You may see this screen
Click on I'll be careful I promise.
When you are in about config scroll to the following line, right click on the line and select reset:
That should reset your Fast Dial settings to default.
That should effect the following settings
These are the default values
{ width: 3, height: 3, thumbWidth: 300, timeout: 1000 }
It may be found useful to use about:config to reset other settings in fast dial to the default value.
A whole number of users are experiencing problems with Firefox 3.5 and greater.
The Bookmarks normally stored in the Fast Dial Root Folder (Fast Dial) end up in a Folder called Unsorted Bookmarks.
One way of resolving this is to restore an earlier Version of bookmarks before this happened.
To do this:
Go to Bookmarks/Organise Bookmarks/Import and Backup and click on Restore
Please be careful to restore an earlier backup of your bookmarks. Your latest automatic restore may be corrupt.
In this way you will be able to restore a previously automatically backed up Version of your Bookmarks to Firefox.
As Fast Dial uses places.sqlite (bookmarks) to store it's information, restoring Bookmarks should also restore your Fast Dial.
Please restart Firefox after the restore.
Many thanks
The descriptions in Fast Dial of the Tab options has always been rather minimal.
As you can see in the Preferences Menu below the settings now have been more clearly labeled.
This is how the Preferences General Page is going to be:
"Open Links in:" refers to the cells of Fast Dial. (Previously "open in" )
So here you can set how a cell opens when you click on it.
You have a choice, so please select the one that suits you.
The other setting
"Show Fast Dial in Blank Tabs" refers simply to whether or not you want Fast Dial to open when you select a New Tab, for example when you go CTRL-T, or not.
Previous Menu
Many thanks
A user reported an unusual problem here.
He found that when he wished to view an HTML file, when Firefox opened all he saw was Fast Dial.
The fix to this problem was the following
In Firefox go to Tools/Options/Tabs
This problem was seen to occur when the tab setting is set to "hide the tab bar when I only have one tab".
With this setting Fast Dial is displayed, instead of the HTML file.
Change the setting to "never" and the problem goes away.
Thought I might list here some matters that might be troubling users of Fast Dial 2.15 beta 13
I will add further items when I become aware of them
1. In order to see Fast Dial when Firefox Starts,it is necessary to set in Options/Main in Firefox,
When Firefox starts :Show my Home Page.
it is also necessary to set the Home Page to
2. If you are using Tab Mix Plus and have all tabs button selected that will have the effect now as there is also a Fast Dial Logo in the Tab Bar of making the taps twice as big.
The tabs now are pretty chunky and you can see why if you look at the right of the Tab Bar
please click on image to enlarge
Deselect all tabs button and the tabs will return to normal size
Picamatic is a free and very simple way to post images on Userlogos in your posts.
No advertising, no hassle, a great service.
Using Picamatic
If you go to you will see the following screen:
or if you prefer a darker screen (with one image upoaded)
If you look at the Picamatic display you will see top left that you have the choice to either view the page in English or in Russian.
I do not speak Russian so we will look at the English settings only.
The suprising thing about Picamatic is that you are never prompted for any ID or password or anything.
And if you upload from a computer well somehow Picamatic remembers who you are, so that the next time you log on to Picamatic (on the same computer) you will automatically see your images.
However it is worth noting that if you need to use a different computer, that there is this option. See the Picamatic FAQ
Where to register?
You don't have to – you are already registered automatically. Click 'Save these images' after you upload one or more images. You'll get your persistent link (aka permalink) saved and sent to your mailbox. Bookmark this link and use it to access your uploaded images and photos anytime you want.
In fact if you do as this says and click on "save these images" you will see this prompt.
Type in the e-mail to which you will receive a link to all your images:
If you right click on the word "link" and choose "copy link location", you can then simply paste the "permalink" directly to your Fast Dial Cell for future use.
This link identifies that you are the "owner" of the images that you have uploaded.
This permalink is worth hanging onto.
For this is the only way you can lay claim to your images should you own computer fail.
Using Picamatic to upload your images.
Go to the Picamatic site
Click Upload on a free Picamatic cell, on the prompt browse to the picture on your computer that you want to upload.
Select the picture
Wait while Picamatic uploads the picture.
When this is finished click on Links (bottom right of the uploaded picture) and then you will see four Options.
I recommend that you click on "Copy Link" to the right of "Blogs", the second option from the bottom.
Clicking the "Copy link" means that the link is already copied into the computer, so all you need to then is to paste this link to your post.
And you are done.
This is an effortless procedure with Picamatic.
Each stage is made extremely simple for the user.
There is no advertising.
Picamatic, I think you will find, is a real pleasure to use.
Using the Error Console is a very useful way to describe a problem to the Developer if a problem cannot be reproduced.
telega's written description is very useful.
Please collect information about browser error messages:
* Enter "about:config" in the browser's address bar. A page with a "Filter" input field and a list of preferences appears. Enter "javascript.options.showInConsole" into the "Filter" field, single line will be displayed. If column "Value" contains "false" then right-click the line and choose "Toggle" from the context menu, so that value becomes "true".
* Open FF Tools > Error console menu. An error console window appears. Click "Clear" button there.
* Now do what you were doing to reproduce the error.
* Go back to Error console window and see if there are any new messages.
Enter "about:config" in the browser's address bar.
Enter about:config in the address field and press enter.
This rather daunting page appears...But please continue
Click "i'll be careful I promise" :-)
A page with a "Filter" input field and a list of preferences appears.
These are the Firefox settings
It is good to be careful
Enter "javascript.options.showInConsole" into the "Filter" field, single line will be displayed.
Typing in this line narrows down the search field
If column "Value" contains "false" then right-click the line and choose "Toggle" from the context menu, so that value becomes "true".
So right clicking on the line creates a small menu.
If you chose Toggle you will see that you can toogle the Value between False and True.
False becomes True
Open FF Tools > Error console menu. An error console window appears. Click "Clear" button there.
This is very important as it clears the Error console of any previous errors, which could otherwise confuse things completely.
Go back to Error console window and see if there are any new messages.
What it means is here, make the action where you are encountering problems and then immediately afterwards look at the Error Console.
The following Extensions are helpful when using the Error Console
MR Tech Toolkit
(formerly Local Install)
Bottom Error Console
One of the easiest ways of accessing the Error Console is to do it directly from Fast Dial, this can be done by entering:
in the URL Field of a Cell
In Firefox 3.x in Fast Dial 2.x, I think you will find that it will also be necessary to add a custom image to the cell otherwise it refreshes endlessly.
Once set up this is probably the easiest way to access the Error Console.
2 well described and helpful posts on AMO
Thanks to cisengineer
Steps to recover.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars by cisengineer on July 2, 2009
3.5 Upgrade Fiasco Recovery:
1. Uninstall Fast Dial
2. Delete the corrupt "Fast Dial" folder - Yes, delete. Rename doesn't work.
3. Restart Firefox
4. Reinstall Fast Dial (and restart Firefox again)
5. Places to look for your bookmarks:
a. Unsorted Bookmarks
b. foxmarks/xmarks users go to and log in. They keep backups.
Good luck. This is a great extension! Give the guy a break!
Thank you farf
I got this problem with Xmarks too: blank Fast Dial link in my bookmarks instead of the Fast Dial folder and the error 3 with XMarks which can'T synchronise anymore.
The solution in two steps.
First Step: connect online on Then my bookmarks -> Tools -> Explore and restore -> Restore to the last valid backup.
Second Step: Delete the empty Fast Dial link in your bookmarks and let Xmarks "synchronize now" and download the bookmarks from server (NOT merge)
FD FAQ's [ Page v0.9 ]
1. I open a new tab and see a blank page instead of Fast Dial.
- Probably you're using a TabMixPlus or a similar addon. Set it to open "about:newtab" page in new tabs and Fast Dial would open.
2. There was a folders submenu under context menu "Add to Fast Dial". Where has it gone?
- Open Fast Dial preferences, look at the bottom, there's "Add to Fast Dial" option with values "Home", "Folders" and "None". Select "Folders" if you like to be asked for a folder when adding a new site through the context menu.
3. My Fast Dial data is lost. How to recover it?
- This might have happened if you're using a Nightly Firefox version. It's known to reset profile data (along with Fast Dial bookmarks) sometimes.
- You can try to restore bookmarks, by going to Firefox menu Bookmarks > Show All Bookmarks. A Library window opens. Then use the menu Import and Backup there.
4. How to remove rounded corners on a thumbnail?
- Go to Fast Dial Preferences, choose Appearance tab, then choose Thumbnail tab.
- Set Round value to zero.
5. How to assign a logo to a dial?
- Go to, type something into the Search textbox and click Search.
- Choose the logo you like and click on it to open.
- Once logo is displayed in full size, right-click on it and choose "Copy image location..." from the context menu.
- Go to Fast Dial page, right-click on a dial and choose "Properties" from the context menu. Properties dialog opens.
- Select "Advanced" tab and paste copied link into the Logo textbox. Click OK to close Properties dialog and save your changes.
6. What is Preview checkbox for?
- In Properties dialog on Advanced tab there's a Preview checkbox. Check it if you want to peek to a site the chosen thumbnail links to.
- Once you have done this, a Preview menu item appears in the dial's context menu. Choose the item to peek. Click when you're done.
7. How to synchronize Fast Dial data?
- Unfortunately, there's no synchronizer to synchronize Fast Dial data. Fast Dial keeps its data (thumbnail order, logo, etc.) as custom annotations to bookmarks, however currently synchronizers just ignore it. So if you arranged to synchronize your bookmarks, you'll have to copy-paste logo URLs manually.
8. How can I hide thumbnail titles completely?
- You might have noticed, that if you set thumbnail titles to hide in Fast Dial, titles still occupy some space on the screen, though being invisible.
- You can solve this problem using Stylish addon. Install the addon from
- Go to the Styles tab.
- Click to create a new style.
- Set style name to be "Fast Dial: no titles".
- set content of the style to be:
@-moz-document url-prefix(chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html) {
.title {
display: none;
.body, .background {
bottom: 0px;
- save the style and open Fast Dial page to test. You're done.
9. Can't find a solution in the FAQ. Something isn't working.
- Check browser console for errors. Open Firefox menu > Developer > Browser console. Then perform the action you were trying to do (for example, open Fast Dial page), and then go back to console to see what errors appear there. Report these errors here on forum, or write email to telega at
Using an older version of FD?
This item is in an early stage of development
Will be completed when Basic Functions Items are all done.
From Telega's home page
To integrate into list
You can change thumbnail's position by drag-n-dropping it. (Hold Ctrl while dragging to move thumbnail into a group.)
Left click on a thumbnail title opens "Properties" dialog. Middle click on thumbnail title runs thumbnail refresh.
Alt+number keyboard shortcut opens assigned site.
If you move mouse over thumbnail's top, a panel of graphic buttons appears.
To view zoomed image press left mouse button and hold it for a moment.
You can customize Fast Dial page colors & font in Preferences.
You can create nested pages of thumbnails by checking "Group" checkbox in thumbnail properties.
From Telega's FAQ
To integrate into list where appropriate.
1. Thumbnails quality is too low.
Open Fast Dial preferences: right-click any thumb and choose "Fast Dial > Preferences" from the context menu. See that thumbnail "Scale method" is set to "default", which is known to produce low quality thumbs on FF 2.x. Set scale method either to Java (if you have Java plugin installed), or to (in that case page snapshots will be uploaded to server for scaling) - any of these methods produces good results. Also on FF 2.x thumbnails look better if "Fixed" thumbnail size is specified in preferences. Or you can switch to FF 3.x (or SeaMonkey 2.x) which produces good quality thumbs using default scale method.
2. I have installed Fast Dial, but can't find it. Where is it?
Fast Dial (FD) is automatically shown in blank ("about:blank") pages, so you can open it in one of the following ways:
* Press Ctrl+T to open FD in a new tab
* Place FD toolbal button on the toolbar. Left click the button to open FD in a current tab, middle click to open FD in a new tab.
* Close all tabs. FD will be displayed in the last tab standing.
* Make "about:blank" your home page, thus FD will be displayed on browser startup
3. I'm changing Font in FD preferences, but the font of the thumbnail titles doesn't change. Why?
Open FireFox "Tools > Options" menu, select "Content" tab, click "Advanced" button in the "Fonts & Colors" groupbox - a "Fonts" window will appear. Check "Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of my selections above" checkbox.
4. Something isn't working, what should I do?
Please collect information about browser error messages:
* Enter "about:config" in the browser's address bar. A page with a "Filter" input field and a list of preferences appears. Enter "javascript.options.showInConsole" into the "Filter" field, single line will be displayed. If column "Value" contains "false" then right-click the line and choose "Toggle" from the context menu, so that value becomes "true".
* Open FF Tools > Error console menu. An error console window appears. Click "Clear" button there.
* Now do what you were doing to reproduce the error.
* Go back to Error console window and see if there're new messages.
Send these messages along with the problem description to the author through forum, blog or email. This will help to solve the problem.
n1)How can I set up Fast dial so that it opens when I start Firefox
n2)Can I make Fast Dial my Home Page
3) I have set Fast Dial as my home page but I cannot see it when starting FF
Basic Questions
Q1) I see a Fast Dial Icon on the toolbar in your picture, I have loaded FastDial, but I can not see the Icon. What should I do ?
A1) If you right click on the Toolbar, you will see the option "Customise". Click on Customise and then drag and drop the FastDial Icon which you will find there to the Toolbar.
Q2)What is the purpose of the FastDial Icon ?
A2)The FastDial Icon is very useful if you find that the FastDial Tab has been overwritten. Click on the Icon and you will have again a FastDial Tab.
Q3)How do I move a cell on a page ?
A3)You can move a cell by dragging it with the mouse. If you move a cell to where there is already another cell, the two cells will swap places.
If you wish to move a cell to a group which is one the same page, then hold down CTRL on the keyboard and with the cursor drop the cell onto the Group cell.
If you wish to move a cell "backwards" towards the parent page of the page you are onl, then simply drag the cell to the top left cell on the page (where there is white arrow) and drop it. It will disappear from the page you are on, but will be found on the parent page.
Q4) How do I set a background ?
A4)There are two forms of background. You can have a color which can set in the Preferences page (right click) by altering the color for the Page, by right clicking on the color box and choosing a color. This will give you the same coloured background for all pages of FastDial.
If you wish to have an image as a background instead of a color, go to the Preferences/Appearance page (right click), go to the Background option and then browse for a suitable image. The image will the overwrite the background color.
Q5) How do I make a group ?
A5)There are two answers to this.
a) If you have a blank cell that you can see, then right click on it, go to Properties and then click the cell marked Group. That will make the cell into a group. You do not need to fill the Custom Image line if you do not want an image on the cell, but the option is there if you want it.
b)If the page you are working on has no visible cells, then right click on the page and select Add. This will open the Properties page and you can proceed as above.
Q6)How do I delete a cell ?
A6)Right click on the cell and go to clear. Be careful with this command, for if the cell has a group attached to it, the group will also be deleted.
Q7) Is there a way that I can remove from view any cells that I am not using ?
A7) Yes go to Preferences/General Page and unclick the Show/Empty Cells box.
Then only used cells will be visble.
Conversely if you want to see all the empty cells on a page click the Show/Empty Cells box.
Q8) How do I alter the colours of a cell?
A8) Got the Preferences/Appearance page and there you can chose different colours by right clicking on the colour box and choosing a color for the different parts of the cell. This is a global setting and will affect every cell in FastDial.
Q9) Is there a way I can make any part of the cell transparent ?
A9) Yes instead of clicking on the color box and choosing a color, you will need to write in the word "transparent" into the small box to the left of the color box. This can be done for the different parts of the cell.
Q10) Is there any way I can alter the display of the Title of a cell which I have entered in the Properties setting.
A10) Yes go to the Preferences/Appearance page and there you can edit both the Font type, the Font size and the Font color.
xx)How do I make a new Profile in Firefox
xx)How do I move the Fast Dial from one Profile to another