Current Fast Dial Bugs and Extension Conflicts - and their status

________________________________________________________________________________________ Please note that for all recent 2.14 Bugs I have preferred to enter information in Mafi0z bug report than here. So for all 2.14 stuff after the white page please see there . ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please note on Userlogos there is now an excellent new Bug Report section created by MafiOz. --------------------------------------------------------------------- To view the page go to Help Centre / Bug Reports --------------------------------------------------------------------- To report a bug to that page please do the following: Go to Submit Content then Bug report ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Mozilla Addons page is here ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ The function of this list below is simply to keep tabs on reports of current Fast Dial problems . These problems may or may not turn out to be Fast Dial Version 2.x bugs . ____________________________________________________________________________________
Links Fast Dial Version
Blurry Images One+two+three v2,9/2,11
Address Bar One+two+three+four v2.9+2.11 ?
Apply to all Folders One+two Bug fixed v2.10
Drag and Drop One+two 2.9+2.11?| Fixed v2.11
Drag and Drop Type One v2.11
Calender One Bug Fixed v2.11
Fast Dial not appearing One+two v2.9/2.11 ***
Options opens tabs One v2.9
Users lose all Fast Dial Bookmark Settings AMO v2.9/2.11 ***
Bookmarks multiplying One
Scrambling Bookmarks and pages AMO 2.11 see comments below
Display questions One+two v2.12(refresh all ??)
Print calender One v2.11.0
Add/Properties missing One+two v2.11.0 (fixed in 2.14)
White screen One+two v2.14.0 Bug Fixed
*** possibly resolved by uninstall restart / reinstall restart but why should this be necessary ? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Extension conflicts
Extension Link Fast Dial Version Effected
Web Developer Reference v1.x
Ubiquity Reference v1.x
IE Tab One +two Blank cells workaround here
Speed Dial SD-AMO Both extensions cannot run together
All in one sidebar One Not confirmed
Foxmarks One Solution being looked into
Tree Style Tab One
Autohide One v2.11.0/2.12.0 Cells vanish
Domain Details 2.3 One FD 2.x
Febe One v2.x
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Problems on Userlogos
Area Effected Links Information
My Bookmarks One+two New Module fitted problem resolved
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Display problem AMO fdggcc7.jpg - upload images with Picamatic --------------------------------------------------------------------- Interesting Display problem reported on Russian AMO Possibly from an Extension Conflict: screen.png - Picamatic - upload your images _____________________________________________________________________________________ Problems Reported on AMO _____________________________________________________________________________________ Warning! Fast Dial automatically auto hides the taskbar in Firefox. There is no way of changing the behaviour and no help to explain what is happening or even why the developer decided to impose his whim on all users. Don't waste 30 minutes as I did installing, disabling uninstalling and searching the internet for a cure. * Boo Upgraded to the latest release without reading the reviews....BIG MISTAKE. Tried to go back to earlier version but can't figure out the last release that works properly. This was my favorite add-on but I will not be using it anymore. DO NOT UPGRADE. I wasn't even able to use firefox at all with it installed . by MikeSMartin on November 5, 2008 * Address Bar is useless The concept was great however it becomes useless to type anything in the address bar and how the hell else are you supposed to go to new sites. I removed it !! It would be nice to have a tab that shows your favorite sites but then you can still type in the address bar. by Dude McMann on November 4, 2008 * causes firefox 3.0.3 to crash.. uninstalled by robsinbc on November 2, 2008 --- Good idea but has a few problems. Pages will lose the bookmark and link, only to reappear later. Also the tiles move about the page on occasion which is irritating. Sometimes if it cant find the tile it will duplicate another. Needs some work by Finalreminder on October 24, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Good idea but it doesnt work, thumbnails change places or dissapear sometimes and refresh doesnt work properly. by jazzrocker on October 23, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, I love this add on. So why am I giving it only three stars? Because EVERY UPDATE causes my thumbnails to be resorted and reset. I then have to take time to go back and unscrew things. Either it's put completely random bookmarks into the thumbs (FF on my WinXP machine) or it's left three of them blank (FF on my Mac OS:X box.) Either way, it's a pain in the butt, so I will no longer update this otherwise excellent add on. by Coach Wade on October 16, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 2.11 -------------------------- Glitches Great for a while, but then all of the links started to get mixed up and it wasn't worth trying to fix by mattattack314 on October 12, 2 -------------------------- by tuFrogs on October 2, 2008 Version 2.11 is not working properly and swapped the hyperlinks wish!! HELP!!! -------------------------- unistalled because it wont let me type any address on blank I was limited to the ones on the Add-on by drtru81 on September 29, 2008 -------------------------- What happened? by Bioran23 on September 26, 2008 I loved using this add-on, but the latest update made it all my bookmarks scrambled and disappears randomly! --------------------------- Oh, dear. This would have been fun to use but my bookmarks are now all mixed up! by sexyyellow on September 26, 2008 -------------------------- Used to love it, now it scrambled I'm not surprised that somebody else has got the same trouble as me. Oh God, do I have to remove it completely then? It sabotages my bookmarks! by MrdLuval on ------------------------------ Scramble bug Loved it at first, then it started scrambling all my bookmarks. by antfly91 on September 24, 2008 ------------------------------ problemSSS by madscanner on September 23, 2008 bugssss!! this new version scrambles everything after a while!! i'll going back to the older version... ------------------------------- by Gary Weberg on September 22, 2008 (see this user's previous comment at the end) Used to be great. Now it scrambles my pages and some are gone. Whoever is making updates isn't checking to see how they affect the user. ------------------------------- by BugMeNot33 on September 21, 2008 Once again, against my better judgment, I tried the new version and sure enough lost everything. My God man! Do you know what you are doing ?? Do you not try the app. yourself before u make it available. What an idiot. I'm done. --------------------------------- previous comment by same user for earlier version Thanks for nothing door BugMeNot33 op 9 september 2008 LOST EVERYTHING WITH THE NEW UPDATE!! THANKS FOR NOTHING. HOW COULD THIS ERROR GO UN-NOTICED ?? ------------------------------- Version 2.9 ------------------------------- by Chris Boyd on September 18, 2008 This was a fantastic Add-on until the 2.9 update, which somehow manages to keep two sets of bookmarks on my panel that change each time I load Firefox. This version is extremely buggy. --------------------------------- bookmarks lost on update and close of programme by svs777 on September 18, 2008 I really liked this little app until a I upgraded to 2.9 and all my bookmarks where lost. I re-entered them and they were lost again on shutting down firefox. I upgraded to 2.11 and still have the same problem. Will be uninstalling this and looking for something else. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Much earlier comment by Gary Weberg. See his more recent comment above. Fast Dial is the BOMB by Gary Weberg on March 28, 2008 I've been using Fast Dial for awhile now, and the more I use it the more I like it. I didn't "get it" when I first tried using it, now it's an indispensable part of my daily use of Firefox. When I click on the Fast Dial icon, it opens a new tab (or window) with the various websites that I have added to the Fast Dial tab. You can easily organize the order in which they display by dragging the web page images around on the page. Using a 7 x 4 format I have all of my most used sites in the top row, and the remaining three rows I have arranged by category. But you can arrange them any way you want. Having an image to refer to rather than using the bookmarks dropdown menu or AIOS sidebar (which I also use) allows me to free up more screen space for viewing the website. Give it a try after a couple of weeks using it, you'll never give it up. ------------------------------------