Feature Requests for FD2
gumanov —Wed, 07/30/2008 - 13:22
I compiled a feature request list for the next release of FD..(v2)
The way this will work is:
the users are going to be able to "vote" on a feature or request they like..
this will be done through comments. If you like a request, leave a comment with its number, and say either:
-1, or +1
I will then update this post to reflect the votes..
NOTE: This is merely a compilation of my thoughts and ideas for Fast Dial. Dont get overly excited about any of these. For all i know, most may never be implemented. If you have anything in mind that you would like added to this list, please contact me!!
This post will be here for a while to get as much votes as possible..
1. Feature: Firefox 2 compatibility ( Allow user to choose Java scaling, Default Scaling, or FF3 Scaling) (And ability to turn off features which are for FF3 only)
Votes: +0
2. Feature: Ability to add "widgets". This is a big one..
Basicly when FD is first installed, new tabs show like 1-3 default widgets (examples: clock, userlogos thumbnail, weather)
User can then add his own, and remove the default ones if he/she wants.., right click menu in FD has : Add widget, and Preferences.
Add widget has submenu - Thumbnail, Search, Folder, Clock, Weather, Custom (HTML and JS)
Votes: ++8
3. Feature: Ability to choose which mode to use FD in..
Widget mode (able to move widgets anywhere u want- and choose a scale method (or optionallyturn off scaling))
Thumbnail Mode (Same as current FD setup,and thumbnails are arranged as they are now)
Logo "Sub-Mode" of Thumbnail mode (scaling is off, and FD searches for logo automatically when URL field is filled)
4. Feature: Section in preferences where user is able to choose (multi check boxes) the way of adding cells. (Context menu, Tab context menu, Bookmarks, Directly in FD)
In other words, user may choose whether FD stores bookmarks. (May result in FF2 compatibility??)
Votes: +6
5. Feature: Ability to choose whether cell buttons are displayed. And the time of delay..
Votes: +7
6. Feature: Ability to set size of individual thumbnails. Instead of a global size.
Meaning each cell can be of a different size..Usefull if widgets are implemented..
Votes: +5
7. Feature: Ability to display thumbnail number in corner (user able to choose font, color, and where to display).
So you can quickly know which shortcut to use..
example: shortcut = ALT+6, so u wouldnt have to find the 6th thumbnail, but instead look for the number in the corner = alot faster
Votes: +5
8. Feature: Bring back the FD v1.9 Preferences box! It looked much better than the one in 2.0..
Votes: +4
9. Feature: Organize all the preferences in the FD preferences box, and the "add" properties box.. (i can help with this one if youd like.)
Meaning that similar options should be grouped together..
Votes: +2
10. Feature: Bring back FD v1.9 drag and drop.. It was much faster than the one in v2.0
Votes: +4
11. Request: ADD features - dont remove them..
While some users may not use a certain feature, many others will.
Example is an export import function for ALL of FD - all settings including appearance, and all the cells with their thumbnails.
Also, having fd bookmarks optional would be great..Many users hate that feature of fd..
So, in other words - bring back the removed features from FD v1.9
Votes: +9
12. Feature: Add a configurable section which is "places"-like (kind of like google chrome)
- Recently visited pages - Recently bookmarked pages - etc... Selectable for each folder.. - so that you can have root FD be recently visited, or a separate folder in fd for recently visited Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...") Votes: +9 ___________________________________________________________________ Let the voting comments begin!!
- Recently visited pages - Recently bookmarked pages - etc... Selectable for each folder.. - so that you can have root FD be recently visited, or a separate folder in fd for recently visited Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...") Votes: +9 ___________________________________________________________________ Let the voting comments begin!!
- gumanov's blog
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- +17
- 19 votes
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Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 21:268. +1
10. +1
11. +1
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 23:481. -1
2. +1
3. 0
4. +1
5. -1
6. +1
7. -1
8. ?
9. ?
10. ?
11. +1
12. +1
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/21/2008 - 08:42Feature 12 : +1 !
I first downloaded FD hoping it would handle that ! I'd be very very happy to see this happen !
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by macleod.mac on Tue, 09/23/2008 - 12:495: +1
12: +1
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 13:03Great idea (this poll) but what are widgets?
#4 +1
#6 +1
How a bout a way to "turn pages" of our fast dial cells?
Also, many site logos I use have a white bkgnd whereas my FD uses black, so the logo appears to be"in a box". (I know to set the cell background and borders = to bkgnd colour). How about a way to fade the edges of the image into the background colour, some kind of "auto-dither".
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/24/2008 - 21:4512: +1
and simple text hyperlinks too
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Fri, 09/26/2008 - 14:59post updated with recent votes..
and features which have been implemented (or had low votes) were crossed out..
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sun, 09/28/2008 - 18:22I would like to see an option to NOT remind you about autorefresh.
Please make all logos transparent. Then everybody can choose their own colors.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by thewonder on Sat, 10/04/2008 - 21:212=+1
3 = The ability to present both widgets and logo's on the same page is a must as most of us would like to switch pages / folders and use widgets without having to leave the FD page.
I think that thanks to FD's versatility everyone uses FD a little different and more power to them! For myself, I have my homepage set as a blank page so that FD is the default and automatically presents a black background with logo's when I load FireFox. At the bottom right of that page I have a FD logo for my first folder / second page of bookmark logo's and in the top left corner of the second page, the same logo to bring me back to the first page again. In the same place on the second page I have another FD logo for my second folder / third page and so on....
I would love to see some more general logo's for topic's / subjects IE: DIAGONAL ARROWS, FILE, TOOLS, TECH, BLOGS, MAIL, NEWS, SHOPPING, SECURITY ETC... ETC... So that I could customize my folders with attractive logo's. The path that brought me here was as follows: FIREFOX, IGOOGLE - GOOGLE CHROME - BACK TO FIREFOX, SPEED DIAL, FD. I see where you are going with widgets but please keep logo's as well. I would never go back to the clutter of IGOOGLE even if it was faster and less buggy. I would incorporate some widgets. A clock with alarm that I can set to bring me back to FD at a specific time so that I can surf without losing track of time. I would also love news headline widgets that are in the scrolling ticker design ala CNN, MSN, BBC, SKY and I suppose there would have to be one for FOX as well.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by jmarkybb on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 10:372,3,5,11, +1 Please.
Keep up the good work, ace addon!
Visit My Blog jmarkyb@gmail.com
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by ins3 on Wed, 10/15/2008 - 10:54I don't like the context menu... please see http://userlogos.org/node/3166
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sun, 10/19/2008 - 14:26I'd like to see compatiblity with Fennec, the Mozilla browser for the Nokia N810 Internet Tablet (with installs for Mac, Windows, and Linux, too)
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Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/03/2008 - 22:12I vote for 2, 4 and 5. I would really like to see 5. It would be great to be able to LOCK the page so you can not accidentally click refresh, delete etc.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by OregonMichelle (not verified) on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 01:02feature 5 +1
In fact this feature is what brought (drove) me here ;) I clicked that refresh button once too many times by accident!
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by tw1zt on Sat, 11/22/2008 - 03:55Forgive if someone has posted this feature.
Removing the "auto align" feature would be nice. Being able to simply move a cell anywhere on the page would be awesome! Resize them individually even! :P
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 11/22/2008 - 03:57@tw1zt:
Nice wording :P
i agree, that would be nice!
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