ins3 —Mon, 10/13/2008 - 16:00
Please make a way to turn this off it's really annoying. I already have NoScript and Google Toolbar putting a list of options there :(
You may wish to post this point in Mafi0z
Feature Requests for FD 2.0
The option to remove this item from the context menu was available in Fast Dial 1.x.
I would recommend however that you try using this function as it most useful.
Especially now in Fast Dial 2.14. It works extremely well as one can save a web page directly to the Fast Dial Folder of one's choice
Re: Option to remove right-click context menu for regular web pa
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Mon, 10/13/2008 - 21:35@ins3
You may wish to post this point in Mafi0z
Feature Requests for FD 2.0
The option to remove this item from the context menu was available in Fast Dial 1.x.
I would recommend however that you try using this function as it most useful.
Especially now in Fast Dial 2.14. It works extremely well as one can save a web page directly to the Fast Dial Folder of one's choice