Reinstaling fast dial
dinosculptor —Wed, 03/17/2010 - 13:12
Every time I start firefox fast dial is missing in version 3.6
so i have to reinstall fast dial and all my links are there and working again but its annoying!!
anyone got any ideas?
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Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 12:34I have seen reference to this sort of procedure, but I would back up the present profile to FEBE, before trying.
But the fact that you had this on a new profile is strange.
The update has confused the extension manager.... This procedure will reset it, so Firefox rescans your collection of addons, to see what is really there.
Look in your Profile Folder (see above for how to find it) and Move these three files to another folder outside the profile (your Desktop will do)
Make sure Firefox is not running when deleting these files. Firefox will create new copies of these files on restart. When you are satisfied Firefox is running OK, you can delete the files you moved.
But I am not at all convinced that this will solve anything...
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by dinosculptor on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 12:36Hi, I am using the latest version of Norton internet security, there was absolutly no problem with firefox 3.5, I can't see how Norton would stop firefox from saving the fast dial download, and all my bookmarks are still there when fast dial is reinstaled??
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 12:43Hi, I am using the latest version of Norton internet security.
there was absolutly no problem with firefox 3.5,
I can't see how Norton would stop firefox from saving the fast dial download, and all my bookmarks are still there when fast dial is reinstaled??
But something has changed.
If Fast Dial is running in 3.6 before you close your computer, but does not remain after a reboot, then some force somewhere is interfering.
My impression is that we can only try to examine different options and hence eliminate possible causes.
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 12:46Regarding Norton please see here:
It would seem that Norton is altering the extensions.rdf file;
Maybe it is this that is removing Fast Dial ?
Quote (March 11 2010):
You're entitled to your opinion, but it's wrong. Firefox works fine without those 2 Norton extensions installed, Norton chooses to install extensions in Firefox - so it is up to them to make sure those extensions don't cause problems with Firefox & other extensions a user might have installed.
Apparently, they don't want those 2 extensions to be disabled by users, and by forcing them to be enabled on a cold boot or a restart they are also enabling all other extensions the user has purposely disabled. That action is like Malware, not something a supposed "security program" should be doing.
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:10This is a bit of a wide shot.
Please read this
Please check the maxversion on your Version of Fast Dial using the procedure mentioned.
Change if necessary
I am thinking that maybe Norton is eliminating Fast Dial for some reason or another.
And we can maybe encourage norton not to do this
Have checked
No need to do this...
This approach is based on the idea that Norton is causing the problem, which remains a supposition until you test.
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by dinosculptor on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:15I have been through various things as you said, on re-starting firefox after re-boot fastdial 2.23b1 is not compatible untill i re-install it again..... so it would seem that Norton is the problem!!... internet unsecurity... thanks for your time and your help, i guess i will just have to re-install again after each re-boot untill the problem resolves, a small price to pay Firefox is the best.
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:18Thanks for your helpful reply..
Did you try with nortom disabled ?
Please check my last comment.
We need to find a way round this for you..... :-)
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by dinosculptor on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:27I will certainly give it a go and let you know the result ... soon as i get the time ..... thanks once again
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:29Fine
Look forward to hearing from you.. :-)
Re: Reinstaling fast dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 03/19/2010 - 13:38Have come across another fix
I wonder if this will work
Load Fast Dial into Firefox
Close Firefox.
Then go to the extensions.rdf file in your current profile and change its status to Read Only.
That will discourage Norton from deleting the rdf file on computer restart.
Worth a try...
You will not of course be able to add further addons, but when you do you, you could disable the read only status temporarily and reinstate afterwards.
Better than reloading Fast Dial all the time ????
If this does not work on its own, you might need to remove the Norton extension(s) in the rdf (see below) as well, before changing the status to read only...
came across the idea from this post:
I just cannot believe that Norton was unable to help me out with this one.
I have now upgraded from NIS 2009 to NIS 2010 see if this will help.
No it does not and to make matters worse the new version 2 add-ons are conflicting with other add-ons in Firefox 3.6 and as I found previously too many false positives are also being created.
When Firefox loads the result of Norton enabling IPS & Toolbar is some of my other add-ons become disabled and have to re-enabled and Firefox re-loaded again before I can start using Firefox.
This is happening each time I re-boot the computer.
I am so fed up with the lack of help and response on this matter that I have had to take my own steps to remedy the situation.
I have disabled both the IPS and Toolbar and closed Firefox.
Then I have had to locate .......
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\User Profile Name\extensions.rdf
and then remove these 2 add-ons (IPS & toolbar) by editing the extensions.rdf file in WordPad.
Finally I have had to change the extensions.rdf file to Read Only so Norton does not change my settings back on re-boot.
I ask you. What a performance, and all because Norton does not set up the Add-ons correctly in Firefox 3.6
If I set the Add-ons to disabled then that is how they should stay.
It also makes it more awkward for myself should I need to edit any add-ons.
I have set up a shortcut to the Firefox profile folder so that the extensions.rdf Read Only box can be unchecked when needed.
I have never seen anything so crazy. It's a wonder that Firefox allows Norton to add files to its browser in this way.