Feature Requests for FD2
gumanov —Wed, 07/30/2008 - 13:22
I compiled a feature request list for the next release of FD..(v2)
The way this will work is:
the users are going to be able to "vote" on a feature or request they like..
this will be done through comments. If you like a request, leave a comment with its number, and say either:
-1, or +1
I will then update this post to reflect the votes..
NOTE: This is merely a compilation of my thoughts and ideas for Fast Dial. Dont get overly excited about any of these. For all i know, most may never be implemented. If you have anything in mind that you would like added to this list, please contact me!!
This post will be here for a while to get as much votes as possible..
1. Feature: Firefox 2 compatibility ( Allow user to choose Java scaling, Default Scaling, or FF3 Scaling) (And ability to turn off features which are for FF3 only)
Votes: +0
2. Feature: Ability to add "widgets". This is a big one..
Basicly when FD is first installed, new tabs show like 1-3 default widgets (examples: clock, userlogos thumbnail, weather)
User can then add his own, and remove the default ones if he/she wants.., right click menu in FD has : Add widget, and Preferences.
Add widget has submenu - Thumbnail, Search, Folder, Clock, Weather, Custom (HTML and JS)
Votes: ++8
3. Feature: Ability to choose which mode to use FD in..
Widget mode (able to move widgets anywhere u want- and choose a scale method (or optionallyturn off scaling))
Thumbnail Mode (Same as current FD setup,and thumbnails are arranged as they are now)
Logo "Sub-Mode" of Thumbnail mode (scaling is off, and FD searches for logo automatically when URL field is filled)
4. Feature: Section in preferences where user is able to choose (multi check boxes) the way of adding cells. (Context menu, Tab context menu, Bookmarks, Directly in FD)
In other words, user may choose whether FD stores bookmarks. (May result in FF2 compatibility??)
Votes: +6
5. Feature: Ability to choose whether cell buttons are displayed. And the time of delay..
Votes: +7
6. Feature: Ability to set size of individual thumbnails. Instead of a global size.
Meaning each cell can be of a different size..Usefull if widgets are implemented..
Votes: +5
7. Feature: Ability to display thumbnail number in corner (user able to choose font, color, and where to display).
So you can quickly know which shortcut to use..
example: shortcut = ALT+6, so u wouldnt have to find the 6th thumbnail, but instead look for the number in the corner = alot faster
Votes: +5
8. Feature: Bring back the FD v1.9 Preferences box! It looked much better than the one in 2.0..
Votes: +4
9. Feature: Organize all the preferences in the FD preferences box, and the "add" properties box.. (i can help with this one if youd like.)
Meaning that similar options should be grouped together..
Votes: +2
10. Feature: Bring back FD v1.9 drag and drop.. It was much faster than the one in v2.0
Votes: +4
11. Request: ADD features - dont remove them..
While some users may not use a certain feature, many others will.
Example is an export import function for ALL of FD - all settings including appearance, and all the cells with their thumbnails.
Also, having fd bookmarks optional would be great..Many users hate that feature of fd..
So, in other words - bring back the removed features from FD v1.9
Votes: +9
12. Feature: Add a configurable section which is "places"-like (kind of like google chrome)
- Recently visited pages - Recently bookmarked pages - etc... Selectable for each folder.. - so that you can have root FD be recently visited, or a separate folder in fd for recently visited Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...") Votes: +9 ___________________________________________________________________ Let the voting comments begin!!
- Recently visited pages - Recently bookmarked pages - etc... Selectable for each folder.. - so that you can have root FD be recently visited, or a separate folder in fd for recently visited Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...") Votes: +9 ___________________________________________________________________ Let the voting comments begin!!
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- +17
- 19 votes
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Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 08/30/2008 - 14:17I would really miss not having the right click and context menu to add to Fast Dial.
That was the right hand of Fast Dial.
4 +1 (very interesting idea)
11 +1
1 +1
5 +1
8 +1
9 +1
10 +1
I can't vote on Widget items because I really don't know what they are, and somehow feel I do not need them.

BTW do you remember in early Versions of Fast Dial (here 1.72) when you clicked on add to Fast Dial you were given the option where to put your URL.
Such an option would be great in FD 2 if you had the add to Fast Dial option which included the option to chose on which page of Fast Dial you wanted to save your URL.
Don't you think ?
This option has now been included in Fast Dial 2.14
Thank you. telega.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 04:444 +1
The others are good, but 5 would be great!
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 13:19I like the idea for #11, but if you never remove a feature, then the right click menu would be like my FF3 right click menu. Veeery Long.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by dk00111 on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 18:581: to me it makes no difference....
2,3,4,5,7: +1
6: -1
8,9,10: I can't vote, since i haven't tried fast dial 2...
11: How about making it optional to disable the features that where removed in the preferences menu rather than making the removal mandatory?
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 19:03@dk00111
6: -1 u sure ?
what about if widgets are implemented, it would come in handy..
11: that could work too..
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by dk00111 on Sat, 08/09/2008 - 01:21for the 6 -1 if the widgets were implemented then it would, but if not then its pretty pointless to me...
6: no vote
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by ScheissBear on Sun, 08/10/2008 - 06:08I would like to use images or gradients for the cell options (Cell, selected Cell, Image, selected Image).
Also I would like an option to use a gradient above the backgroundimage. For example you use this background. With a gradient it would then look like this.
Feature 1.
Feature 6.
Feature 7.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by zap on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 05:02(never mind, see below)
i guess this would be Feature 11:
+1: an Import/Export function! ple-eeeeeeeee-ase!
i've just switched over to ff3 w fd2 and it's taken me several tedious hours to manually rebuild my 300+ cells. not fun! i don't want to _ever_ have to do that again.
later: turns out my first installation of FD2.1 was a bit hooped: there were no Fast Dial bookmarks. I have since reinstalled and they are indeed there. So, as telega points out, one can use the bookmark export/import process.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 07:27I would like this feature too...
I would also like to suggest an OPTION BUTTON...
To either A: Open any fast dial button clicked in the current tab,
B: Open any fast dial button clicked in a new tab.
B: would leave your Fast Dial available, and those who don't prefer it, can have the A: option.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by telega on Mon, 08/18/2008 - 12:28@zap, you can use Firefox Bookmark Manager import/export function.
@Anonymous, there's "Open in" option in Preferences, which does what you want.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by sjdvda on Tue, 08/19/2008 - 13:16For me FD is perfect, there is only one feature I need, the ability to drag and drop a cell from one folder to another.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 13:58Please made Open in "Startpage" i dont need it as TAB. Thanx
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Celso on Thu, 08/21/2008 - 17:162. Widgets. +1
Since widgets would be cool as hell if they don't slow down fast dial. I use fast dial as my homepage, and just with the links alone it's the best homepage I've ever had. Widget would just make it better.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by zap on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 15:41ok, now that i've got the import/export thing figured out ...
4: +1, since I really miss the context menu "Add to Fast Dial" option in FD2.1 and would very much like it back, as long as we don't lose the import/export feature.
(if import/export isn't available via Bookmarks then some other method would be needed ... having import/export is a _must_ imho.)
9: +1, sounds like a good thing to do (if i understand it correctly)
11: +1, sounds like a less schizophrenic way to move from one FD version to the next.
3: -1, just 'cause it doesn't sound like a great idea, though of course one could simply not use it if one didn't like it ....
last thing: FDv1.9 would remember where you were in the "tree", which page of FD thumbs you were on so if you opened it again you'd be in the same place, but v2.1 doesn't. sure would be nice if the "sticky" FD page thing was an option.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by ZedoMann on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:142 +1
3 +1
5 +1
7 +1
11 +1
Also...If 11 doesn't do so, I'd like the "Add to Fast Dial" put back in the context menu of the tab.
If I make a request for logos, make it on a transparent background.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by dooie551 on Wed, 09/03/2008 - 20:492 +1
3 +1
5 +1
6 +1
10 +1
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/04/2008 - 10:453 : +1
11 : +1
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 09/07/2008 - 08:542: Widgets +1
It will be awesome.
Thanks for the hard work, guys! You rock!
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 16:04+1 for Feature 4 (Context menu) - why was that removed at all?
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by pisle on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 17:57I liked the right click to add feature also, and I'm kind of disappointed that now it opens every page in the original window. I liked being able to click on multiples and still have the fast dial home page open too. I'm not a technological genius so maybe I'm missing something and just don't remember how I made it do that in the other version, but I'm still disappointed it's not.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Wed, 09/10/2008 - 18:34right click in fd page > preferences > change "open in" to "background tab"
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 09:48I strongly vote for #2 this will kill the Chrome functionality ...
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 21:43@mafi0z
Saw this long post on Mozilla.
Thought it was relevent to your post
please bring back some of the utility of the FD 1.9 release:
(1) please place a back button by default in the 0,0 position for all subfolders that are created. this was a very useful feature for traversing the folders. users who don't wish to keep it can delete it. alternatively, at least give the users a way to create a back button. it seems as though the 2.* releases have gone with the assumption that all subfolders will be opened in new tabs instead of the same window. but, in the process, the previous functionality of being able to open and go back in the same window was killed.
(2) please add "same tab" as an explicit option in the "open in" drop down of the "properties" dialog. currently, it's a blank inferred default but that doesn't allow you to override the default behavior for the page on one button. e.g., try and set the default for the page ("preferences") to "background tab" and then override the default on folder buttons with "same tab" (what is currently the blank inferred default option). there is no way to do this because the button inferred default will not override the page default. please enable this functionality.
i guess, this is all an effort to make 2.* (currently using 2.8) regain the functionality from 1.9 lost with the 2.* releases. i want to be able to have subfolders open in same tab (and be able to get back) and link buttons open in background tabs. unfortunately, this functionality was lost with 2.*.
btw, love the add-on, it's my most frequently used one. please bring the old functionality back in the 2.9 release. thanks.
by classified.id on September 11, 2008
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Thu, 09/11/2008 - 19:48k thnx..
ill update this post soon..
1 - yea that was a great feature.
there should be an option in the preferences whether to have this
2 - this is in the fd2 series..
it is the first option in the "open in" selection..
the thumbs will open in the same tab if u choose the first option in "open in" selection
Chrome-like features
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 03:58Hi,
I like the extension a lot. What I'd like to see are chrome-like features:
1) Add a configurable section which is "places"-like:
- Recently visited pages
- Recently bookmarked pages
- etc...
Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...")
2) Add a configurable section with Bookmarks
(you are almost there, just combine yout other extension "bookmark tab"
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 21:57i would be happy, if FD would understand *.svg files.
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Cheech on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 22:21I would like to have a facility (like a template or part of the Properties window) that would allow the user to quickly create a text only logo which could then be used in a folder and return to parent links, or for sites for which there is not yet a custom logo and a site (or folder) image is not desired. It would allow for the selection of a background or be transparent, and the font style, size and color. A potential alternative would be to have the folder text size, font color be capable of being set independently from the text size,font and color in a normal cell
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Fri, 09/12/2008 - 22:24http://www.simwebsol.com/ImageTool/
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by gumanov on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 12:13*post updated with current votes*
also i like the idea posted by anonymous:
"1) Add a configurable section which is "places"-like:
- Recently visited pages
- Recently bookmarked pages
- etc...
Would be great if this could handle custom queries (Smart Bookmark Queries like "place:queryType...")"
similar to chrome..
i have added it as number 12
Re: Feature Requests for FD2
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 09/13/2008 - 17:38+12