Dark Firefox
ps1d3r —Fri, 11/26/2010 - 23:24
Here's my Firefox, in a dark style xD i used transparency and a smaller size on FastDial icons, so they "come out" when i mouse over (on the image i have my mouse over the deviantArt icon)
The add-ons i used can be found in this collection -> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/collections/Ps1d3r/ps1d3r-s-dar...
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Re: Dark Firefox
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 11/27/2010 - 13:37Thanks for this
I presume the swirly lines are in the background
Less clear about the bottom right of the page
This is caused by the two rugby ball shaped forms and the semicircle and the bright horizontal bar and the two big dots.
Perhaps these shapes are part of the background ?
If they are, the forms seem a little bright and draw the eye off centre
What do you think ?
Is this intentional
As to the extensions
I use the same theme with tiny menu
Works great.
Regarding the flexible search window extension on my machine, it seems to cause the search window to collapse so that I cannot then read which search engine that is in operation
Maybe there is some way to avoid this ?
Re: Dark Firefox
Submitted by ps1d3r on Sat, 12/11/2010 - 18:55You're welcome xD
The swirly lines are part of the background image, whitch i found on the internet and modified the upper part, so that the color would match exactly the theme color and like that it seems like it's just one piece heheh
You are right, it was a bit confusing, but i didn't have enough logos to arrange them as they are now, without covering the "eye" shape, as you can see on the image ( i replaced the old one) and if i mouse-wheel down on the fast dial page, there's a hole new set of icons (don't know if you knew you could do that, you probably do xD)
Now the extensions
Tiny menu is one of most useful add-ons heheh
Regarding the flexible search window extension, when you install it, it asks for a minimum width, could you have set this too small?
There's this other add-on, Splash (loading splash-screen thing), it's just eye candy, but i've made a smaller version of Fastdial background in gif format

My Dark Firefox -> http://userlogos.org/node/13515
Re: Dark Firefox
Submitted by ps1d3r on Sun, 12/19/2010 - 15:09Update: New icon set and some changes to the background.

Re: Dark Firefox
Submitted by ps1d3r on Sun, 12/26/2010 - 12:07UPDATE (again xD): New theme. I found this awesome theme some days ago, it has a very interesting design, it has a great mouse-over effect on the tabs, and great in-menu integration.

In my opinion both address and search box should be a bit darker, but it's developer says it's still work in progress, i guess we'll have to wait ;)
It can be found here -» https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/264287/
"by bloomind (Developer) on December 26, 2010 #
Thanks for comments, advices and support!:) I appreciated it.
And it seems that Santa Claus has brought something nice to download ... you should have a look at the DeepDark Version !;)
Cheers and I also wish you Happy Holiday"
Heheh I guess we didn't have to wait that much xD
