How to Backup Message(s) from Simple Mail
Tsprajna —Tue, 07/29/2008 - 01:30
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Since version 2.69 update 07-30-2008 05.10.49 (download: site 1, site 2),
users of Simple Mail have three kinds of possibility to backup/restore a message or messages:
- to backup a single message
- to backup/restore a folder of messages or a single message
- to backup/restore all messages in Simple Mail of current profile
Here are the how-to's:
- to backup a single message
- Save as HTML for general web browsers --
- click on "SaveAs" button on toolbar of main window
- a dialog pops up for you to choose where to save to
- file name will be auto-suggested as the subject
- Save as EML for general mail clients --
- (same as 1.1.1)
- same as 1.1.2, adding that) click on drop-down list of file type and choose "*.eml"
- (same as 1.1.3)
- to backup/restore a folder of messages or a single message
- to backup, export folder as a file (and may be imported to Thunder Bird Folder or Simple Mail Folder) --
- right-click on a folder to bring up the context menu and choose "Export"
- a dialog pops up for you to choose where to save to
- file name will be auto-suggested as the folder name
- to restore, import folder from a file or import single message from a "*.eml" file
- dump the trash folder or create a temp folder for importing
- right-click on that folder to bring up the context menu and choose "Import"
- a dialog pops up for you to choose which to read from
- select a file to import then check the result
- drag-n-drop imported message(s) to where you want to put it/them
- Backup all messages of current Simple Mail
- if you are using a custom directory to store Simple Mail messages
- click on "Preferences" to bring up the settings dialog
- select "General" tab and see which directory it is
- open FIle Manager to duplicate/archive the whole directory
- if you are using default profile directory, it's better to use FF add-on "Extension Manager - Extended" to know where your profile situated. Otherwise the following is just one possible way to know where the directory sits
- close all Firefox window(s)
- run "firefox.exe -profilemanager" in command line to call FF Profile Manager
- mouse on the highlighted item for a few seconds, a tooltip text will popup, remember the path of your profile
- open that profile directory, you'll find a folder named "simplemail" and that's what you need to duplicate/archive
-- Updated: 2008-08-01 by Tsprajna
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