Squishy —Tue, 07/15/2008 - 10:05
those are awesome
Wow! Excellent job, Squishy! We need more logos like this! A lot of the "logos" have turned into just text with reflection... Boooring! Very nicely done!
Nice! 1up from me! -Kaz
how do I put this logos in fast dial
Wow great logo! +1 =]
I noticed the in the 2nd logo the reflection was not good, could you change that?
original is a bit brighter and less blurry. so it looks better than your logo. no offence.
how to download the Icon :(
Right mouse click -> Save Image As.. -> Browse where you want to download the image to.
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by gumanov on Tue, 07/15/2008 - 12:09those are awesome
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by soundofemotion on Tue, 07/15/2008 - 16:39Wow! Excellent job, Squishy! We need more logos like this! A lot of the "logos" have turned into just text with reflection... Boooring! Very nicely done!
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by Kazeneko on Wed, 07/16/2008 - 02:12Nice! 1up from me!
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/17/2008 - 23:37how do I put this logos in fast dial
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by dk00111 on Sat, 07/19/2008 - 19:56Wow great logo! +1 =]
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by sjdvda on Sun, 07/27/2008 - 05:35GREAT LOGO!!!!
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by sjdvda on Sun, 07/27/2008 - 05:36I noticed the in the 2nd logo the reflection was not good, could you change that?
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by k-dash on Sun, 07/27/2008 - 06:19original is a bit brighter and less blurry. so it looks better than your logo. no offence.

Re: facebook.com
Submitted by WSI2010 on Tue, 09/03/2013 - 05:14how to download the Icon :(
Re: facebook.com
Submitted by Deva on Tue, 09/03/2013 - 14:45Right mouse click -> Save Image As.. -> Browse where you want to download the image to.