wordpress.com, wordpress.org, wordpress, */wp-amin/,
sjdvda —Mon, 03/02/2009 - 07:29

A mega collection of WordPress logos, I believe this is the first time I have posted so many logos in one post.
All logos with and without reflection using the official colors; grey(#464646), blue(#21759b) and orange(#d54e21).
1&2 Default WordPress logo with text
3&4 WordPress Logos with Icon above text.
5&6 Grey Icons
7&8 Grey Icons with white icon background
9&10 Blue Icons
11&12 Blue Icons with white icon background
13&14 White Icons
15&16 Orange Icons
17&18 Grey Icons with inner bevel
19&20 Blue Icons with inner bevel
21&22 Orange Icons with inner bevel
23&24 Regular Text logos
25&26 Grey text logos
27&28 Blue text logos
29-31 iPhone style logos in 3 colors
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