Simple Mail - can't create message
Anonymous (not verified) —Tue, 04/14/2009 - 14:15
I just have installed Simple mail 2.74c on a vista 64bit system (home premium). Unfortunately, when I try to create a new mail or want to reply to an mail, I can't type any text into the text field. There isn't even a curser. The smily-thing doesn't work too...
But I can edit "to:" and "subject:"...
Maybe it isn't able to work on a 64bit system?
Thanx for help!
Re: Simple Mail - can't create message
Submitted by johncoltrane (not verified) on Fri, 05/29/2009 - 05:36I'm sorry ,Telega, but I n e v e r told you from MacOs.
I just wanted to report that Simple Mail never worked on a Powerpc-driven UBUNTU installation !
That's not nice, but I am accustomed to it in the meantime.
And I will not blame you for not being able to solve that issue !
I am just thinking that the "Firefox Boys" are more interessted implementing (unstable) new features than fixing old bugs
The real annoying fact is that a working Simple Mail on an INTEL-driven UBUNTU doesn't work any more after the upgrade to Firefox 3.0.10.
And the same Simple Mail works flawlessly with the same (INTEL) processor, the same OS (Ubuntu 8.04) with the same browser version ! :-))
Guess what ?
I am so pissed off with that issue that I switched to OPERA. Another nice browser !
And the included E-mail client works like a breeze ;-)
Have a nice day !
Re: Simple Mail - can't create message
Submitted by telega on Sun, 06/07/2009 - 08:07Please try version 2.75b4 from here: