How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
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Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by telega on Sat, 12/06/2014 - 11:26Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by Cairenn on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 02:20I'm currently using LavaFox V2-Blue 2.3.3
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 15:01Screenshots might prove helpful
Are you speaking of a firefox theme or a stylish user style
Are you using one of the stylish userstyles listed here that work with firefox extensions:
If so the problem is that Fast Dial no longer runs in about:blank
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by Cairenn on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 15:24Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 15:26As mentioned above, Fast Dial no longer uses the about:blank page
Modifications will need to be made to the style
If you modify Firefox settings to open with blank page you will see correct background but you are no longer in Fast Dial
Please confirm Style
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 16:04Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 21:47telega or gumanov or Sanjay might oblige
Here is an example of a transparent background image from one of the styles
This could also be added to Fast Dial
The most elgant would be to modify the Stylish userstyle to work
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by Sanjay on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 22:27You will need to edit the Stylish Userstyle by changing the lines below for it to work.
@-moz-document url("about:blank")
@-moz-document url-prefix("chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html")
Hope that helps.
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by Sanjay on Thu, 12/11/2014 - 15:16/* Fast Dial - LavaFox & BlackFox */ @namespace url(; @-moz-document url-prefix("chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html") { body { background: #000000 url("chrome://browser/skin/Extra/LavaOrb.png")center fixed no-repeat !important; margin:0px !important; } }
Re: How do I get Fast Dial to play nice with my Stylish theme?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 12/10/2014 - 23:17/* about:blank - LavaFox & BlackFox */ @namespace url(; @-moz-document url("about:blank") { *:empty:not([style]):not([text]):not([class]):not([onresize]) { background: #000000 url("chrome://browser/skin/Extra/LavaOrb.png")center fixed no-repeat !important; margin:0px !important; } .editable, .editable * { background:none !important; }}