Read this before requesting a logo...
macleod.mac Thu, 03/19/2009 - 10:17
0.1 Remember that the people who contribute to this site are doing it for free, so be gracious and grateful.
0.2 Rudeness will not be tolerated. Always be polite.
Before Posting:
1.1 You must be Registered to request a logo. Click here to register.
1.2 Before asking for a logo, check it hasn't been done already by searching here.
1.3 DO NOT request logos for your own personal site. This site's purpose is to provide custom logos for the Firefox addon Fast Dial [@AMO/@Lifehacker] only. Read UserLogos policy on site logos here.
1.4 Be aware you CANNOT request logos for sites of an adult nature. These requests will be denied.
When Posting:
2.1 You may request any number of logos at one time, however be sensible and remember that the people who fulfill the requests aren't getting anything in return.
2.2 You must wait for one request to be fulfilled before you can post another.
2.3 When requesting a logo, please include: a valid URL, link to a suitable image if possible, any specific effects wanted, like reflection or gloss.
After Posting:
3.1 Check back at the thread every day or so, until someone completes your request. DO NOT complain that it is taking too long. We're doing it for free, OK?
3.2 Once your request has been fulfilled, please acknowledge that you have received it on the same thread, so it can be archived
3.3 You can show your thanks to the logo maker either by thanking them in the original thread, on the logo node or by voting positively for the logo, by clicking the green up (^) arrow.
3.4 Requests are archived as soon as possible after the requester has acknowledged and thanked the logo maker. If there are no thanks forthcoming within 48hrs, then the request will be archived.
Is your logo request not here? Check the
Completed (but unacknowledged) requests archive to see if has been moved
(the archive for acknowledged requests is here)
- +6
- 6 votes