Logo for meineStadt.de (http://home.meinestadt.de/dresden) (done)
prohlisdjs —Sun, 08/09/2009 - 03:59
Can somebody create a transparent logo with shadow effect for meineStadt.de (Dresden)? Thank you to everybody who make this site to the best logo site i know!
Marco from Germany!
Re: Logo for meineStadt.de (http://home.meinestadt.de/dresden)
Submitted by spaljeni on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 10:29aber sicher ;)
I know the black text is not really visible on a black background, but it is to small to add an outline or glow as it will pixelate the logo.
I tried putting a white rechtangle behind the text but that does no seem to work either.
Let me know what you think of it.