Feature Request: Scrolling through pages w/ PageUp, PageDown
Mafia_Penguin —Fri, 04/03/2009 - 23:24
I need to start by saying I love Fast Dial.
However being on a laptop, I find that the scrolly thing on the side of the mousepad [from here on in "Scroll Pad"] doesn't work very often.
This is where scrolling Fast Dial pages with Page Up and Page Down comes in- I can always use this. I also find that the Scroll Pad, when set up with 3+ pages, will generally skip the 2nd one or show it very briefly. It makes it very annoying to get to the 2nd page, and it is generally faster to just type the domain, as long as it is.
I hope that you, Telega, will take this into consideration.
Thank you for reading.
Re: Feature Request: Scrolling through pages
Submitted by telega on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 03:01@MP,
I tried to implemen scrolling so that each scroll scrolls exactly one page, no matter how hard you scroll. Are you saying that 2nd page is skipped when you don't want it to? Or the opposite?
BTW, how to set up scollpad?
Re: Feature Request: Scrolling through pages with...
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 03:07Yes, when I have a third page (I got rid of it for this exact reason) the 2nd page was most often skipped unless I plugged in a USB mouse with a scroll wheel and used it. Another option would be to set a scroll resistance meter or something in the Preferences.
Re: Feature Request: Scrolling through pages
Submitted by telega on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 07:40You can try to experiment, modify addon's file chrome/content/fastdial.html, line 285 or so. The line is:
const TIMEOUT_WHEEL = 250;
This is the timeout in milliseconds between scrolls. If a new scroll request occurs in less time, it's ignored. You can try to set timeout to a larger value and see if it works for you.
Re: Feature Request: Scrolling through pages w/ PageUp, PageDown
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 04/04/2009 - 15:40@telega:
Thanks, that works very well!
I set it to 1000 (probably a tad high), and it works beautifully!