Please stop updating
Anonymous (not verified) —Thu, 02/05/2009 - 10:37
It seems like every single time I start my browser and there is an update to Fast dial, the result is a mess that I then need to go put back together. Right now I have two links that appear to be on a second page or "below the fold" and I can't figure out how to bring them back up to one page. When I first turned it on, the windows were in a 4X4 configuration.
Please leave well enough alone
Re: Please stop updating
Submitted by telega on Thu, 02/05/2009 - 14:16Looks like drag-n-drop between pages doesn't work in version 2.22b, it will be fixed in the next version. To workaround the problem you can go to Preferences, change Quantity parameter to a higher value, like 5x5 or 10x10, then drag-n-drop your bookmarks wherever you like, and then change the quantity back to original.