Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
aikeaguinea —Mon, 01/12/2009 - 15:51
I thought that everything was back to normal with the latest release(2.22b)after the disaster of 2.15/2.16 but I have discovered that any bookmarks which I have created since installing 2.22b will not open as a new tab.
Bookmarks created before installing 2.22b all open as new tabs OK and by reverting to 2.11 all bookmarks open as a new tab no matter when they were created.
This must surely be an issue with specifically 2.22b.
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Re: Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 16:42aikeaguinea
I have discovered that any bookmarks which I have created since installing 2.22b will not open as a new tab.
I am trying to reproduce in 2.22b
I have just created a dialing cell, with add to Fast Dial, and it opens just fine in a new tab.
Created a cell entering the URL manually.
Opens just fine in a new tab as well.
Have you checked your Tab settings in Fast Dial, Tab Mix Plus, and Firefox ?
I am not saying you are not getting your problem, only that I cannot reproduce it :-)
I wonder what could be causing this.
Many thanks
Re: Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
Submitted by aikeaguinea on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 11:24Many thanks for your response to my query however things seem a little more complicated than I first thought.
To clarify:
1. I am not referring to FastDial cells here,which all appear to be working OK, - but to items in my bookmarks list accessed via the menubar/bookmarks tab.
2. Everything works perfectly under FastDial version 2.11
3. It is not,as I first thought,only bookmarks which I created when 2.22b was installed, - but a completely random selection of my bookmarks which will not open in a new page or new tab or even delete when accessed via the right click context menu.There appears to be no logical pattern as to why some work and others do not.
4. If I access any of these bookmarks via the bookmarks side bar or via the organize bookmarks page everything works as it should and all respond correctly to the right click context menu.
To summarize:
Under 2.22b a completely random selection of my bookmarks will not respond to commands on the right click context menu - but only when I attempt to access them via the menubar/bookmarks drop down menu - and as all is well with 2.11 the problem must lie with 2.22b.
Re: Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 12:35aikeaguinea
I am not referring to FastDial cells here,which all appear to be working OK.
Good I am glad all works fine
Under 2.22b a completely random selection of my bookmarks will not respond to commands on the right click context menu - but only when I attempt to access them via the menubar/bookmarks drop down menu - and as all is well with 2.11 the problem must lie with 2.22b.
Are you referring to bookmarks in the Fast Dial Folder only, or else where ?
I have tried to reproduce your error without success. Maybe it might be worth checking your settings in Fast Dial, as well as trying to reproduce the error in a New Profile.
Please give more detailed instructions as to how to reproduce
Many thanks
Re: Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
Submitted by aikeaguinea on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 15:20I have reinstalled 2.22b with the intention of walking you through the exact procedure,step by step,of how I would bookmark one of the sites which is (was) not responding to its context menu only to discover that all now appear to be working correctly.
I am at a total loss to explain why this should be but I suppose that's computing for you.
Many thanks.
Re: Bookmarks / Tabs and 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 15:23I have reinstalled 2.22b with the intention of walking you through the exact procedure,step by step,of how I would bookmark one of the sites which is (was) not responding to its context menu only to discover that all now appear to be working correctly.
I am at a total loss to explain why this should be but I suppose that's computing for you.
Many thanks.
Good news !
Thanks for the feedback