Logo sizing in 2.22b
Anonymous (not verified) —Tue, 01/13/2009 - 11:24
Is there any way to make the page logos an exact size? In previous versions, I was able to force the images to display at 210x210 by making them fixed and forcing the vertical size to be 210. It allowed the icons I created specifically for that size to be sharp and crisp...but with 2.22b, I cant seem to get the same sizing of my logos.
Can anyone provide some insight to accomplishing this, or has FD changed and I need to redo my logos?
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Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by macleod.mac on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 12:14I'm afraid I think that you have to resize your logos, centred in a canvas 300x210 for correct aspect ratio.
Or downgrade to 2.11 temporarily - I'm sure this will be addressed.

Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 12:55Interesting. Can I set FD to display the ratio 300x210 somehow? It seems to alter the value to 300x225 every time.
Also, changing the margins seems to affect image clarity.
Where can I find old versions? 2.22b has some neat things, but I would rather not resize all my logos again, even if they are vector-based...
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 13:07Is there any way to make the page logos an exact size? In previous versions, I was able to force the images to display at 210x210 by making them fixed and forcing the vertical size to be 210. It allowed the icons I created specifically for that size to be sharp and crisp...but with 2.22b, I cant seem to get the same sizing of my logos.
Can anyone provide some insight to accomplishing this, or has FD changed and I need to redo my logos?
I put this little Style together in Stylish
Changes cells to 210 x 210
Please load into Stylish and see if this works
Trial only !!!
May need tweaking a bit to fit your logos
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 13:15Unfortunately that didnt work out...it resized the cells, but also further distorted the images. Thanks for the attempt though!
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 13:47I'll include images of FD 2.22b with and without the stylish script. The settings for this are:
cellsize: 280x210 Fixed
margins: 3 (both hovered and nonhovered)
FD 2.22b, no stylish script
The logos are merely blurry here, likely an effect of being squished somehow. Adjusting the image margins helps in some places, hurts in others. The most noticeable place is on the Digg logo (lower-right). If you look underneath the left 'armpit', those lines are clear and crisp for the most part, which is how the entire logo should look.
FD 2.22b + Stylish script
The logos are now squished together both horizontally and vertically.
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 01/13/2009 - 14:08Thanks for the helpful feedback and pictures.
I will consider the matter further.
Many thanks
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/15/2009 - 09:37Anyone have any further insight into this?
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 06:48Where can I find old versions?
It seems to alter the value to 300x225 every time.
Yes I get the same
The logos are now squished together both horizontally and vertically.
Yes I can see.
The problem is I have not found a way yet to regenerate the fixed setting in Stylish.
Many thanks
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 09:10Thanks. I dont have all the complaints that others seem to have, I guess I missed those versions of FD. I like how 2.22b is going, I'm just nitpicky about blurry images when I have control over it.
Re: Logo sizing in 2.22b
Submitted by telega on Fri, 01/16/2009 - 14:32@Anonymous,
Do you mean previous versions of Fast Dial had better image quality?
Did you set "Use Java" option in these versions? It's known to produce better image quality.
Not sure how could you force 210x210 image size in previous versions, because Fast Dial has never had an option to specify image height. Height is always calculated automatically.