Fast Dial able to crawl back to the top? Oh, and two requests...
Vasily —Sun, 01/11/2009 - 17:54
Hopefully when the smoke has cleared, we could all look back at the past weeks with nostalgia to those grand days when FD was 5/5 on Mozilla add-ons. I'm sure it'll be able to recover. But only if these two things are fixed:
- I want to be able to change my folder preferences per folder, not one general 'one size fits all' mentality.
- Previously, when a logo of a site refreshed, the old preview was shown with the refresh icon on it; now when it refreshes, the preview logo goes away completely with only the refresh icon. Sometimes for slow sites, the refreshing takes a long time, and I want to be able to see the preview!
Is it possibly to change these two things?
(Sorry for my English, not a native speaker, you know.)
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OMG PLEASE Change let me
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 01:52OMG
Change let me make folders different sizes...
Re: Fast Dial able to crawl back to the top?
Submitted by telega on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 03:02- Having per-folder setting is confusing for most users, for me, for example.
- As far as I know thumbnail image was never shown during refresh.
To fix slow sites problem you can: 1) If you have slow internet connection, alter "Connection speed" option in Preferences. 2) If it's a particular slow site, tell me its url and I will add it to "extensions.fastdial.slowSites" preference. Or you can alter the preference manually if you understand it format.
Re: Fast Dial able to crawl back to the top?
Submitted by bakaneko (not verified) on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 05:17>>- Having per-folder setting is confusing for most users, for me, for example.
Why not make option like "Allow changing folder preferences per folder"? And let it be disabled by default.
Per folder settings was one of the best features of fasdial.
And excuse me for my poor English =)
Re: Fast Dial able to crawl back to the top?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 05:20@bakaneko
Having per-folder setting is confusing for most users, for me, for example.
Why not make option like "Allow changing folder preferences per folder"? And let it be disabled by default.
Per folder settings was one of the best features of fasdial.
I think your suggestion is a good one.
Thank you
And excuse me for my poor English =)
Seems plenty good enough to me :-)
Many thanks
Re: ... Oh, and two requests...
Submitted by Thermal Ions (not verified) on Mon, 01/12/2009 - 09:04Why not make option like "Allow changing folder preferences per folder"? And let it be disabled by default.
Per folder settings was one of the best features of fastdial.
^^^ Excellent suggestion.