Error message
- Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in antispam_user_load() (line 1555 of /home/ul/public_html/userlogos/sites/all/modules/antispam/antispam.module).
- Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in antispam_user_load() (line 1555 of /home/ul/public_html/userlogos/sites/all/modules/antispam/antispam.module).
- Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in antispam_user_load() (line 1555 of /home/ul/public_html/userlogos/sites/all/modules/antispam/antispam.module).
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 03:23My Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade. When I new a tab and there is no thumbnails show up. It's just a empty page. I don't know how can I fix it...
What happens if you click on the Fast Dial Toolbar button ?
Is this relevant ?
Or this
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by BrianOravetz (not verified) on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 08:38I am having the same problem. After the upgrade last night, I can only see part of my icons, but only if the page is set to the "default" skin. If I change it to one of the other skins, NOTHING is visible.
I've attached a screen shot. Nothing in my preferences page will allow me to fix this error. There is no advanced page, nothing.
FastDial has gone from being one of the few truly useful plug in's that I've ever come across, to one that I am about to disable.
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 09:49@brianOravetz
I am having the same problem. After the upgrade last night, I can only see part of my icons, but only if the page is set to the "default" skin. If I change it to one of the other skins, NOTHING is visible.
Shame your picture does not show.
AAh here we are
So things don't look too bad.:-)
I've attached a screen shot. Nothing in my preferences page will allow me to fix this error. There is no advanced page, nothing.
Have you got a preferences menu ?
If so we have to get to work.
First try loading in your background
Stay in default* in themes all the time.
Don't move from there.
We should be able to work this out
Once we have got you own settings saved then we can save all of them with the background as a Theme and you will be out of trouble.
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 16:53Had to uninstall Fast Dail after last upgrade. It's a shame caused I enjoyed the program. After upgrade installation received warning the "scripts" weren't working properly - continue or stop. (also tried to reinstall with same result) This caused significant delays with all programs and internet.
If anyone can help--sure would be appreicated.
Is their a way to install the previous version?
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by telega on Fri, 01/09/2009 - 17:11Please try version 2.18 available from this site. It should fix most of the problems.
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by Luca (not verified) on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 09:41My Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade. When I new a tab and there is no thumbnails show up. It's just a empty page.
I've attached a screen shot:

Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by macleod.mac on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 10:20Can't see screenshot.

Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 10:38Here it is:
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by asmodeus on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 11:142.19a shows empty page with custom bg regardless of TMP settings or FD theme. FD buttons opens the same blank page.
Re: Fast Dial doesn't work after upgrade
Submitted by Luca (not verified) on Sat, 01/10/2009 - 12:57:)
Version 2.20 fixed all the problems!!!!