Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
telega —Sun, 06/29/2008 - 10:25
Fast Dial 1.90 will be featured in CHIP magazine (german edition, circulation about 400,000), issue 09/2008, and published on CD that comes with the magazine.
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Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by gumanov on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 15:02cool!!!! how did u get it there? and where do i find it?
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by telega on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 15:07I received a message from a man working for the magazine, he asked me about a permission to include Fast Dial to CD that comes with the magazine.
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by gumanov on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 15:10thats cool
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by Grawl on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 02:59в рот мне ноги :)
serious, f**k my brain!
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by dk00111 on Tue, 07/01/2008 - 14:40Thats great!!
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 19:06I am a little curious about this.
I was under the impression that users, including those using Macs, had encountered a number of problems with the present build of Version 1.90.
Is it your intention to release a new improved Version 1.90 before the date you specify ?
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by gumanov on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 18:59i dont see anything wrong with version 1.90...
those users must not be doing something right
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 19:42Thanks for your reply.
I seem to remember seeing this post on the Mozillazine site
People, experiencing Fast Dial slowness on Firefox 3,
try to add exception rule to AdBlock Plus for page "about:blank".
Thanks for this solution goes to mafi0z from
If there are problems being caused by another Extension, in this case Adblock Plus, why is it that this problem was not apparent in Version 1.89.
Surely it would be a valuable exercise to reproduce this problem and discover the exact cause.
A number of users, including myself, have returned to Version 1.89 finding it preferable
This is of course undesirable as Version 1.89 is not fully set up for transparency among other things.
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by gumanov on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 19:54Actually - the problem is not general fast dial slowness, but what happens is some logos show up instantly while other will take a second to show up..
I figured out it was AdBlock Plus, i guess trying to read the page for ads..
This problem is not in FastDial, and only seems to occur in firefox 3.
When i had firefox 2, everything showed up instantly - meaning it isnt FastDials' fault..
Hopefully in FD2 there will be no conflicts between extensions.
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 07/04/2008 - 21:29Thanks for your quick reply, Mafi0z.
I can see you have looked into this problem.
I remain a little unclear about your:
>This problem is not in FastDial, and only seems to occur in firefox 3<
What occurred I wonder in the change between 1.89 and 1.90 that brought on these problems.
I saw the following comment here:
1.9 slow down
by JC43 on June 15, 2008
Started with v1.89 which I found worked beautifully. Tried v1.9 (twice) and each time the working of Firefox 2 slowed alarmingly. Moving back to v1.89 brought everything back to full working speed. Maybe the new version is optimised for Firefox 3?
I am as you know a Firefox 2 user.
I had an intermittent problem with the background disappearing in Version 1.9
The problem disappeared immediately when I returned to using 1.89
I suppose my main preoccupation is this.
This seems like an excellent promotional opportunity for Fast Dial.
It would seem important that the code shipped be as trouble free as possible.
Do you not agree ?
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by telega on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 03:49Version 1.90 will be used by the magazine, because publishing had already started and 2.0 version isn't yet ready.
1.90 is different from 1.89 in that it preloads images and converts them to "data:image/png;base64,..." urls. This is done to allow "about:blank" page access images, because Firefox 3 has a restriction which prevents "about:blank" page to access file:// or chrome:// urls.
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 15:15Thank you for your most interesting reply.
>1.90 is different from 1.89 in that it preloads images and converts them to "data:image/png;base64,..." urls<
Does this mean then that all the images stored in the Fastdial Folder have to be encoded to base64, processed and then decoded before they are able to be viewed ?
Or have I misunderstood you.
I remain unclear as to the involvement of Adblock Plus in this process.
I thank you for your time.
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by gumanov on Sat, 07/05/2008 - 14:46hmm, chiaroscuro brings up an interesting point..
if the images are already loaded (base64), then why are they located in profile folder?
Im not sure i fully understand either - but in stylish, one would encode in base64, instead of using a url, to ensure that if the image is deleted from a server - it is still available in the base64..
As for Adblock... i believe that it slows down loading of some images because it scans all pages for advertisements when they are loading..
I dont think Adblock is optimized for scanning firefox system pages, such as about:blank..
Re: Fast Dial in CHIP magazine
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 08/05/2008 - 08:30I was interested to see that CHIP apart from the previously mentioned CD also seem to have what appears to be a download option for Fast Dial 1.90 here
16759 downloads claimed so far.