Customizing the toolbar, first time user of Fast Dial
Anonymous (not verified) —Fri, 11/07/2008 - 20:01
Hi, I am a new user of fast dial and before i installed it I read the reviews and I seem to be running into a common problem many have.
How do I remove the fast Dial icon on the toolbar? I read on a review there is a way, but I have tried "customize" and Fast Dial's preferences but I do not see that option....
...I also cannot see the Yellow Star that makes bookmarking easier or notifying me that the site is already bookmark. I think all these issues are being caused by the fast dial icon. Please help
Re: Customizing the toolbar, first time user of Fast Dial
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 20:05To remove the FD Icon, just rightclick on the navigation bar, click "Customize". Drag the button(s) you want to remove into the nice, full button box.

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Re: Customizing the toolbar, first time user of Fast Dial
Submitted by the guy who pos... (not verified) on Fri, 11/07/2008 - 20:14ah I had just figured it out and was going to reply to this, but Many many thanks Mafia_Penguin
and YES the address bar is re-usable again!! hooray!
Re: Customizing the toolbar, first time user of Fast Dial
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 11/08/2008 - 03:42@Submitted by the guy who posted the thread
How do I remove the fast Dial icon on the toolbar?
Thanks for your post
see also
The Fast Dial Toolbar
and YES the address bar is re-usable again!! hooray!
Thanks for your feedback
Yes there is is a bug report of this problem here
I have posted a reference page to this bug/fix here