Please add license information to the xpi
IanKelling —Fri, 11/04/2016 - 14:11
I'm hoping to add Fast Dial to the free software directory, The problem is if I download the xpi, and open it up, I can't tell that it's free software because there is no information about what license it's under in the xpi. The easiest minimal thing to do is to add a file like README which says something like "all files are under x license." A few mins of work and it would be greatly appreciated. You can also add more comprehensive license notices if you want.
Re: Please add license information to the xpi
Submitted by telega on Mon, 11/07/2016 - 05:31Because to add readme file I have to create a new version and it has to pass review on AMO site,
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Submitted by sijiv31759 on Mon, 01/31/2022 - 09:21