White Background When Loading
ultra —Sun, 03/24/2019 - 23:28
When I open a new tab and wait for Fast Dial to load there is a white
background that I really hate. It's hard on my eyes. I've tried every
tweak to Firefox that I could find and have to assume that this must
have something to do with Fast Dials coding. Is their any way to get
change the color of the background while it is loading?
background that I really hate. It's hard on my eyes. I've tried every
tweak to Firefox that I could find and have to assume that this must
have something to do with Fast Dials coding. Is their any way to get
change the color of the background while it is loading?
Submitted by telega on Thu, 03/28/2019 - 03:32The solution depends on Firefox version you're using. Since some version Firefox uses signed addons, so that nobody couldn't edit them. So to modify the addon you either need quite an old Firefox version or a developer version of Firefox (it allows editing of addons).
Then you can try the following: unzip the xpi file of the addon (or alternatively you can find "Firefox profile" folder in your system and the unpacked addon contents will be under extensions\fastdial@telega.phpnet.us\ subfolder) find inside chrome\content\fastdial.html file and edit "<body>" line so that it looks like:
<body style="background: black;">
Then save the file, zip the archive into .xpi file and you're done.
I haven't tried this solution myself because currently I don't have Firefox installed on my system, hope it works.
Best regards
Great, I think this may work
Submitted by ultra on Sun, 04/14/2019 - 01:45