Fast Dial Setup questions
Cheech —Wed, 08/27/2008 - 17:03
I am new to the Fast Dial addon (FD 1.9, FF 2.x, Windows/XP (also using the Styles addon)) and am attempting to customize it to my liking which includes using dark (black) themes. I've managed to get the background set correctly and have added black style UserLogos for my links (when available). I reviewed the tutorials and the help but for some reason can not either find the answers or missed them, so my questions to those with more experience than I are:
1. How do I set the unused FD cells to my desired color?
2. What happens when I exceed the number of cells on a page?
3. MY understanding is that a group is a pointer or link to another page that will contain like topic links. Is this correct? And, is there a way to customize a logo for a group such that a group title can be displayed in the cell?
4. Is there a tutorial or guide for how to build custom logos (specs, tools to use, etc.)?
5. I noticed that some of the available logos are build such that the background color is derived from elsewhere, i.e. transparent. However, I've not been able to get this to work. Is there a problem using this in FD 1.9 or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks to all,
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Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:081. How do I set the unused FD cells to my desired color?
Have a look in Basic Functions
under the Heading FD Preferences
(although it is not quite finished)
And have a look at the Appearance page.
Look under Color settings.
The settings for the cells are there.
You have cell colour and selected cell colour as well as other color settings like border and so on.
You can also enter the value "transparent" manually.
You can see details how to do this in Mafi0z Tutorial
Fully Transparent Logos
If you have the setting in Preferences/General "Empty Cells" un-ticked the unused cells will not be visible. So to see them you need to tick this option. (show empty cells)
2. What happens when I exceed the number of cells on a page?
Basically if you keep adding items by "adding to Fast Dial" the number of cells will increase automatically in the Group you are saving to.
The number of cells will increase and over-ride whatever setting you might have set in the Group Cell Properties for that Group.
In the group cell you can also set the number of cells that you want in the group by going to Properties (right click on cell) and then by changing the value in the Quantity Field. Numbers greater than 10 can be entered manually. It is always advisable to keep the unused cells to a minimum.
3. My understanding is that a group is a pointer or link to another page that will contain like topic links. Is this correct? And, is there a way to customize a logo for a group such that a group title can be displayed in the cell?
Yes to your first question.
If you have a group cell, you can go to Properties for that Group cell and enter in the Title Field the name of the Group
Have a look in
Basic Functions
under the Heading:
Creating Groups
The title that you select for the Group Cell will be displayed in the "Back Arrow Cell" of the Group and also in the Tab.
You can also by ticking the Custom Image option in Properties, browse for an Image for your Group Cell.
4. Is there a Tutorial or guide for how to build custom logos (specs, tools to use, etc.)?
If you look at the top of the page you will see the word
These are the Tutorials on this site for the subjects that you ask about.
5. I noticed that some of the available logos are build such that the background color is derived from elsewhere, i.e. transparent. However, I've not been able to get this to work. Is there a problem using this in FD 1.9 or am I doing something wrong?
I am not sure what your question relates to, but Transparent logos will not display as Transparent in Firefox 2.
There are good Tutorials on the subject of logos by Mafi0z in :
Basic Functions
Fully Transparent Logos
Using Transparent Logos
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by Cheech on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:14Thanks for your response chiaroscuro. My comments on your replies are:
1, The image cell setting was the one that controls the unused cell color which I didn't have set (the name threw me on that one), works fine now.
2. If I understand correctly then FD will automatically expand the number of cells and presumably decrease the size of each cell and I presume this happens on both the groups and the root? Does setting "fixed" limit the number of cells on both the root and the groups? Reason I ask is that I would like to limit the number of cells that would be contained on a "page" in order to keep the cell sizes (number of) at a useful level for my eyes and my normal browser window size.
3. That worked as described however, what I was looking for was a way (for a group cell) to have the title appear within the image part of the cell (like it was a logo) as the title information at the bottom is harder for me to see, That leads mne to another question, can a logo be specified in a group cell as that might be an alternative to requesting that the title also be displayed in the image area?
When setting up some of the things you described I noticed a bit of a "quirk". If the browser window is to the far left and at the edge of the monitor the FD flyout menu for setting Properties and such still appears to the left of the FF window and is now off the monitor. It takes several mouse clicks to get the flyout menu to appear under the mouse pointer like a context menu would. In other words FD does not recognize when the menu will not fit on the monitor and place it elsewhere other than to the left of the FF window.
4. I was there but I only looked at where the Protoshop tutorial was supposed to be and not the Gimp one and erroneously assumed that those sections were not yet complete.
5. You answered that one, transparent logos do not work in FF2.
This is a great addon and will be very useful to me. My complements "to the chef".
Thanks again for your assistance.
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:442. If I understand correctly then FD will automatically expand the number of cells and presumably decrease the size of each cell and I presume this happens on both the groups and the root?
Once you have set up your cell size,(I use the fixed option) the cell size will not alter when more cells are added to the group/root.
2, Does setting "fixed" limit the number of cells on both the root and the groups?
The setting fixed relates to the cell size
Try playing with that
Set a cell size and compare fixed and unfixed.
I prefer to use Fixed,
2. Reason I ask is that I would like to limit the number of cells that would be contained on a "page" in order to keep the cell sizes (number of) at a useful level for my eyes and my normal browser window size.
look you need to play around.
Use the fixed setting and increase the size of the group cell until you are happy with it.
Two abreast works quite well so a setting of 2x6 for example for the page.
Increase your cell size to fill the width of your window.
Play around a bit
It is all quite flexible and fun to set up and play around with.
3. that worked as described however, what I was looking for was a way (for a group cell) to have the title appear within the image part of the cell (like it was a logo) as the title information at the bottom is harder for me to see
I understand what your saying.
There are some Logos with words on them
However you can increase the size of the Text Font that you use in the Title by going to Preferences again and increasing the Font size. This helps a lot. You can also change the Font colour if you wish.
I do not understand your "quirk"
Are you not using Firefox/Fast Dial to cover the whole screen ?
I have not experienced this problem.
You can tug on the edge of the Properties Menu, so maybe you could tug it to the shape and place you want ?
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by Cheech on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:45concerning the "quirk", the browser is not full screen and the FD window fills the entire browser window. If I move the entire Browser window to the left side of my monitor and then single right click in the FD window (background or cell) to set a cells or FD properties etc. the menu which normally appears on the left side of the FF window is now off the monitor. It's still there but not visible. If you move the FF window close to the left edge of the monitor but not touching you will see a partial menu appear. If I click twice in either the FD background area or in a cell the menu appears under the cursor as it should for a context menu. If you need I send you screenshots.
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by Cheech on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 20:59Some additional information. I run a 2 monitor system with monitor 1 on the right and monitor 2 in the center. If FF is on monitor 1 the menus appears under wherever the mouse pointer is located, however with FF on monitor 2 (both tests were with FF not in fullscreen mode) when I right click the mouse the menu appears to the left of the FF window, which depending on where the window is located may not be visible. Also, both monitors are set to the same resolution but are of different sizes with monitor 2 larger.
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 21:00@cheech
Please may I ask you when you post to just use Post a New Comment and refrain from using "reply".
If you use reply I am then barred from further editing.
I am sorry but I am unable to help you with your display problem.
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by Cheech on Wed, 08/27/2008 - 21:13Will do from now on in. Most of the other forums want you to use "reply" as it keeps the topic's thread together. This software must work differently. Thanks for all your help, I'll play around with things awhile to become more familiar with the software and see if I can find out how to report the display problem.
Re: Fast Dial Setup questions
Submitted by telega on Thu, 08/28/2008 - 10:19@Cheech
> when I right click the mouse the menu appears to the left of the FF window
You may try Fast Dial 2.1, maybe it'll work. Other than this I don't know how to help.