Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
x-b —Thu, 05/16/2013 - 04:11
So here is my problem. When i drag any of my shortcuts from one page to another it doesn's drop. Nothing happens.
The only solution i've found is to make more rows in preferences. Then all of your pages become one long page, and all works fine.
Is there any other solutions?
Is there any utility or trick to organize shortcuts faster, not by dragging-dropping one by one?
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Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by telega on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 11:06As Fast Dial shortcuts are in fact bookmarks, you can go to Firefox Bookmarks Manager, choose "Fast Dial" folder there and reorganize (copy, paste, etc.) bookmarks as you like. If you have too many shortcuts in one page, you can create subfolders (right-click FD page and choose Add > Folder, or create folder in bookmarks) and put your shortcuts there.
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 05/16/2013 - 14:27The only solution i've found is to make more rows in preferences. Then all of your pages become one long page, and all works fine.
You are quite correct
That will give you as it were one long continuous page.
Fast Dial was made so that if you go beyond the page limit in preferences, another page is then available on scrolling, but there is the no drag and drop then as you have noticed.
So your solution in a way is the correct one.
Having Folders will of course enable you to reduce the number of cells that you have on the one page.
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by x-b on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 07:46Can't find the Firefox Bookmarks Manager... Is it add-on? If you mean the Firefox browser Firefox->bookmarks->Fastdial there is no such feature to reorganize them by pages ... besides the list of bookmarks there doesn't compare to sequence in fast dial pages ...
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 11:37I am sure telega will reply to you in due course....
I am not sure of the purpose exactly of your enquiry.
That is what you want to achieve
If you increase the setting in Preferences then you can drag and drop all your cells without a problem
Once you have finished ordering things about then you can return to a smaller Fast Dial page via Preferences
Doing this sort of arranging is very slow, but once done you do not need to do again.
The creation of Folders could help make your opening page smaller
Do you know how to move a cell to a folder (and back) within Fast Dial ?
I have never tried to do what telega suggested in terms of moving things around.
If the boookmarks are not in the same order as the cells then it is difficult to imagine how this could be of help to you.
My impression is that telega suggested this option for moving things around quickly to folders, and not as a wy to reorganise the position of cells
I guess the arranging in terms of position on your Fast Dial Root Page (and in the folders) would still need to be done by drag and drop
I am sure telega will reply to you in greater detail about all this.
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by telega on Sun, 05/19/2013 - 23:48Firefox Bookmarks Manager used to be called by Firefox menu Bookmarks > Organize Bookmarks. I haven't used Firefox for a couple of years, looks like now it's called by:
Going to the File Menu, click on Bookmarks, click on show all bookmarks.
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by x-b on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 10:27Maybe I dont understand... But How to organize? You see the order of them in bookmarks and in cells?
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by x-b on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 10:32I realy need this option cause I often add new bookmarks and organize em in cells by themes. Social networks, Torrents trackers, Online Stores and so on...
Re: Drag & Drop Problem (between pages)
Submitted by Deva on Thu, 05/30/2013 - 12:29Hello!
This is what you have to do:
When in FastDial page, right click and change "Sort" to "AUTO". Now when you move bookmarks around in your Bookmarks Library it should move them accordingly in Fast Dial. Note, you'll have to reopen/refresh FD page again to see the changes..
Hope it helps!