Logo Request for Dining & Menus (7/7 DONE)
Ladysimular —Fri, 05/07/2010 - 01:09
Hi everyone. I'd really appreciate getting a few restaurant/online menu logos up for my FastDial Most of these are well known establishments most people will recognize, a couple are chains but may not be as widely known because they are not fast food places (I try to get the most likely needed by others stuff done before going obscure for myself).
I like all the bells and whistles on the logos, but ask for at least high gloss mirror effect and transparent, or that will work on black AND another for white backgrounds...? As I said, however, feel free to go all out and do any effect you want.
Taco Bell: http://www.tacobell.com/menu/ (DONE)
(Unfortunately I couldn't find a page with a larger logo)
Wendy's: Home - http://www.wendys.com/ OR Menu - http://www.wendys.com/food/Menu.jsp (the menu link appears to have the least cluttered logo) OR http://www.wendys.com/news/signUp.jsp (has a picture of Wendy which I would also like made into a logo, please) (DONE)
Quiznos: Home - http://www.quiznos.com/subsandwiches/ Different Pic - http://www.quiznos.com/storefinder/results.aspx?CountryID=1&StateID=0&Ci... (DONE)
Qdoba: http://www.qdoba.com/Default.aspx (DONE)
Vocelli Pizza: Good pic of logo: http://www.vocellipizza.com/consumer/menu/index.php (DONE)
Pancho Villa Mexican Restaurants: http://www.panchovillava.com/menu.htm (DONE)
Uncle Julio's Fine Mexican Restaurant; http://www.unclejulios.com/ (DONE)
Public Service Announcement (sorta): If you are living anywhere north of the Mason/Dixon Line but are from Texas or anywhere near it, Uncle Julio's is probably the best TRUE TexMex Restaurant you may be able to find. We are from Texas and now in the Washington DC Area and it is THE ONLY true TexMex restaurant we found (EEK!) it's as close as you can get to a Ninfa's (nomnomnommm) without being one (sob!), and it is HERE (YAY)!! If you're 'one of us' (TexMex experts lost in a land of Mexican food restaurants that taste exactly alike-much like the strip-mall places down south :( , you understand exactly why this IS a public service announcement, and to everyone else, this is a pretty BIG DEAL!!!! If you know of any other true TexMex restaurants, PLEASE EMAIL ME!!
Thanks for all your fine work here!
Re: Logo Request for Dining & Menus
Submitted by Karmody on Fri, 05/07/2010 - 10:23tacobell.com
Re: Logo Request for Dining & Menus (3/7 DONE)
Submitted by kuebelkasten on Sun, 05/09/2010 - 14:34qdoba.com
Re: Logo Request for Dining & Menus (3/7 DONE)
Submitted by Ladysimular on Wed, 05/12/2010 - 10:33Thank you both for the great work. This request is now completed!
Re: Logo Request for Dining & Menus (5/7 DONE)
Submitted by jumpordie on Sat, 05/22/2010 - 07:19unclejulios.com
Logo or Die!
Logo or Die! ● Please vote for logos
Re: Logo Request for Dining & Menus (7/7 DONE)
Submitted by Ladysimular on Tue, 05/25/2010 - 01:04I'd like to thank all of you who worked on these logos for me. They are all just what I wanted and very well done. This request is now completed! yay!!!
Your faithful fan,
PS: Let me know if you ever eat at the Mexican Food restaurants I listed. I'm always looking for feed back and new restaurants! Just email me privately if you prefer.