Restructure Logo Requests?
Sastre —Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:05
My "Logos to be done!" post has moved here
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Sastre —Fri, 02/27/2009 - 16:05
My "Logos to be done!" post has moved here
Thank you for making this site and FastDial possible!! You all rock!
2008-2017 All logos/images belong to their respective owners. Contact administrator.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/27/09)
Submitted by sjdvda on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 04:45Congrats MP!!!
I think new requests should be handled this way:
The requester should create a separate thread for each requested logo.
Another suggestion:
Create 2 sections in the forum:
1. Requests
2. Fulfilled Requests
The request which have already been fulfilled are moved to the "Fulfilled Requests" section
It will be much easier to find which logos have already been made and which requests are pending.
UserLogos FTW!!
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Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/27/09)
Submitted by macleod.mac on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 09:43I agree completely with sjdvda
In my opinion the forty-x page request thread should be closed.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/27/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:08I also agree with sjdvda. The cons are not very powerful cons. If somebody really wants a logo, they should go through the registration process and create a new thread. Once that request has been filled, the creator should then post a link in that thread, notifying that it has been filled. Does anybody have the power to put this in effect? What mods can we PM?

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by macleod.mac on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:24At the moment, chiaroscuro - mafi0z is either away or taking a break from moderating duties...

logo request redesign
Submitted by ingalls on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:27Can chiaroscuro make changes to the site or is Telega the only on who can do that???
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Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:30macleod.mac
What would you like me to do ?
Maybe it would be good to PM Mafi0z first and see if you can get a response.
Many thanks
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:09Ch,
Look at sjdvda's post in my blog. We'd like that to go into effect.
Also, could we have a content policy put into effect, if we don't already have one? It could create legal problems if users under 18 are viewing visual bookmarks to XXX sites...just a thought.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:41@mshadows
Look at sjdvda's post in my blog. We'd like that to go into effect.
Yes I understand.
I will contact both mafi0z and telega and try and get the ball rolling as fast as I can.
It is not the physical action that is difficult, but it is best that there is some agreement come to before, rather than after the action is made. :-)
I will keep you posted.
Many thanks
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:10You are much appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by macleod.mac on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:41@MShadows
I can totally see where you're coming from, however if the logos themselves don't have indecent images in them (I don't know) then I don't think that's a problem.
Personally, I'd just forget about them as I'm not going to make those logos.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 02/28/2009 - 16:53@MShadows
My own hopes were always for a request database.
That is when one selects the option to make a Logo request, one is taken to the request Logo database.
The request is then made to the database.
If the logo already exists in the logo database then the person making the request will be informed of that fact.
Otherwise the database will process the request.
The request database would be self regulating as it would cross check with the Logo database to see if Logos had been added.
If the Logo has been made then then the request would be removed from the request database.
There would of course in the request database be the option to view all unmade requests.
This would save the logo makers the problem of keeping up with what requests had or had not been fulfilled.
Such a system would of course be less personal.
But users would be of course quite free to say hi and thanks outside the database, as well as making comments on the finished Logo.
I hope to get you a response quickly as I understand the problems the logo makers are having and would too welcome some clarity.
Oh and thanks for all your recent contributions to this whole subject in your blog and elsewhere, MShadows.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by gumanov on Sun, 03/01/2009 - 15:11until i find a great way to create an easy-to-use "request database", like chiaroscuro said, i have done what most of you have agreed on and closed the request thread.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 13:47@mafi0z
until i find a great way to create an easy-to-use "request database", i have done what most of you have agreed on and closed the request thread.
Thanks for your help, mafi0z
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 2/28/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 03/18/2009 - 20:14@sjdvda
Another suggestion:
Create 2 sections in the forum:
1. Requests
2. Fulfilled Requests
The request which have already been fulfilled are moved to the "Fulfilled Requests" section
It will be much easier to find which logos have already been made and which requests are pending
Many thanks for your most useful suggestion
What you have asked for has now been put in place.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 14:33@MShadows
It would be handy, don't you think, to be able to Archive requests in your thread, once you are sure they are on your list.
For the moment DRUPAL won't oblige
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:09@char
Sorry I missed that one. I wouldn't be able to archive the ones that have already been deleted from the list, because that's what I did, delete them. I don't know what you mean by "For the moment DRUPAL won't oblige." Clarify?

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 14:57Sorry I missed that one. I wouldn't be able to archive the ones that have already been deleted from the list, because that's what I did, delete them. I don't know what you mean by "For the moment DRUPAL won't oblige." Clarify?
No problem.
In the Logo Request Forum, we are Archiving completed requests.
That keeps it clear.
But the completed requests are not being deleted so there is a record.
If one could do the same in your thread, then all completed requests could be archived.
So once you have deleted on your list, then the completed logo information could be archived.
That would keep your thread small.
At the moment the date change is the only way of creating some order.
DRUPAL is the site software that allows one to do things.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:09Well if you can do that, then go for it! I would love to not look through six pages of completed logos to find the ones that have been completed. If you can archive the completed logos and delete the posts, then that would be perfect. Is this possible? or am I totally missing your point?

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by macleod.mac on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 15:07I agree that posts should be regularly deleted, as this is quickly becoming just another epic thread, which was not the purpose.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 15:17I agree that posts should be regularly deleted, as this is quickly becoming just another epic thread, which was not the purpose.
I agree
But if there is an error in MShadows list and the comment has been deleted there is no way of checking.
I have not found a way in DRUPAL to archive comments.
If you can double check against dates in the thread MShadows that is the only way.
So please double check, and then post the dates here and I will delete all completed logos posted within that date.
Would that be OK ?
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:08I've updated the list concerning every comment in this thread up to today. I just rechecked all the comments, and I've deleted the finished logos. You can delete any posts with completed logos up to today.

Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 16:19I've updated the list concerning every comment in this thread up to today. I just rechecked all the comments, and I've deleted the finished logos. You can delete any posts with completed logos up to today.
Many thanks
I am looking into another way of doing this.
Will keep you posted.
Re: Logos to be done! (Updated 3/24/09)
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 17:16@MShadows
What I have done is this
if you go here
You will see that I have duplicated your list in the Forum.
I have also created an Archive in the Forum as well.
I have set things up hopefully so that you can archive completed requests to your own archive, so there is no need to make deletions except in your list.
PM me if you are unclear about this.
I am going to try and copy paste all the completed posts in your blog to your Archive.
At that point I will delete the posts in your Blog.
Does all this make sense ?
Re: Restructure Logo Requests ?
Submitted by Sastre on Fri, 03/27/2009 - 00:08Wow, impressive chiaroscuro, this is very good! Makes it very easy for me! Thanks for all your hard work!

Re: Restructure Logo Requests ?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Tue, 03/24/2009 - 19:11Have posted information about the new location of your site.
Please play around and see if you can work out how to move stuff to the archive from your new page.
I hope everyone can find it now
MShadows *Logos to be done! has moved here
Good luck !
Re: Restructure Logo Requests?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 01:01@mshadows
All done !
Wow !!!!!
Re: Restructure Logo Requests?
Submitted by Sastre on Wed, 04/15/2009 - 20:06^^ I know, huh?! We did the entire list. LOL