Logos for fun and business
Ladysimular Thu, 07/08/2010 - 04:09
Hi, guys! I have a few more logo requests as I have let them collect:
Please make them for light and dark backgrounds and transparent (esp since I see some users having trouble with backgrounds). My personal preference is always transparent but it has to show on both a light and dark background and sometimes that doesn't work out so well. Also, hi gloss and reflection. The more 3D the better, please. I have never been disappointed with what I gotten here so have fun with it.
1. Chevron Federal Credit Union aka ChevronCFU or CFCU:
This link is to their home page with a header showing pretty much everything you'd need for a logo that you can get to without a membership. http://chevronfcu.org/Pages/CFCULandingPage.aspx
2. The Department of Education aka DOE: their site is down at the moment but this is a temporary state. I hope.
(Note: there is a shield on the right end of the header. If that is available and usable, please make one using that. The shields are usually quite beautiful, even in state and local government....tho Virginia's man standing on a dead Roman leaves something to be desired HAHAHAHAHAHA...O,o!! )
3. The American Academy of Dramatic Arts: http://www.aada.org/home/home.html
5. Random Creepy Guy: http://randomcreepyguy.com/
6. Funny people of Walmart: http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/?page_id=9798&paged=2
7. Any or all of the links at the top of each page at the 2 links above witten in TEENY letters at the very top.
You guys STILL ROCK!!
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Re: Logos for fun and business
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 07/09/2010 - 19:12This post was flagged as SPAM !!
Anyone know why ?
Or was it the spam module being over zealous....
Re: Logos for fun and business
Submitted by Ladysimular on Sat, 04/16/2011 - 22:49It was the spam module being over zealous! OK, so I may be a few....months behind (@o@), but I did finally see this and can absolutely guarantee it isn't spam. eek. This explains why I have never seen any of these logos, huh?. I promise I am not spamming anything with this request. I am just a member with request. I have no idea how to prove I am not a malevolent spam machine type. Let me know if there is a way. In the mean time, please consider this a re-request for these logos. You can also contact me directly with the info provided with my membership.
Hope this sets your mind to rest.
Re: Logos for fun and business
Submitted by jumpordie on Sun, 04/17/2011 - 01:35peopleofwalmart.com
Logo or Die! ● Please vote for logos
Logo or Die! ● Please vote for logos
Logos are one of the most
Submitted by BobbyG00 on Tue, 02/28/2023 - 05:06