"nulljcolor" and blank cells!
aikeaguinea —Thu, 06/25/2009 - 17:46
Really,really sorry about this as I have grown to love fast dial but,since upgrading to FF3.5 RC2 and RC3 I am getting the same "nulljcolor" pop-up as other posters.
Used an Acronis restore to get back to square one and then trace the problem .....and discovered that if I open a cell and then use the back button to get back to the fast dial homepage all is OK but if I open a cell and hit the homepage button then I lose all the cells.
Using the forward button from this blank fast dial screen takes me back to the previously opened cell and the back button brings back the full fast dial page......weird!
It also appears to be screwing my " xmarks" account which comes up with a code 3 error and this cannot be rectified unless I create a new xmarks account.which I have now had to do twice. ....not happy about that!
All in all this is just too much hassle and is quite obviously a conflict with FF 3.5.
I am moving over to "Speed Dial" until such time as you manage to rectify this but will be more than happy to return to fast dial if you can get it fixed.
It is also an issue that fast dial 2.11 always works perfectly but 2.22 (and I posted about this at the time) would not open some of the bookmarks (a completely random selection) in a new tab when accessed from the drop down bookmarks tab in the menu bar.
This does not happen with speed dial.
As I said I am really sorry to be negative but the program obviously requires some tweaking before you get a deluge of the same issues when the majority move over to FF3.5 when it is released in its final form.
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 18:11Really,really sorry about this as I have grown to love fast dial but,since upgrading to FF3.5 RC2 and RC3 I am getting the same "nulljcolor" pop-up as other posters.
Used an Acronis restore to get back to square one and then trace the problem .....and discovered that if I open a cell and then use the back button to get back to the fast dial homepage all is OK but if I open a cell and hit the homepage button then I lose all the cells.
Using the forward button from this blank fast dial screen takes me back to the previously opened cell and the back button brings back the full fast dial page......weird!
It would have been interesting to troubleshoot this problem with you.
So far neither myself or the developer have been able to reproduce this problem.
What is the setting in Firefox for your Homepage ?
Please could you check.
Is it about:blank ??
or when you say hit the homepage button are you referring to the Fast Dial Toolbar button ?
Please clarify, this is important to know.
How can you be sure that another extension is not causing this ?
Have you tried in a new Profile, or with all other extensions disabled ?
Have you had any error messages
Please see this link
It would be really good to find out what is the cause of this behaviour
Any chance you could post a list of your extensions ?
null color suggests that somewhere the value 0 has got entered as a colour.
It would be interesting to have a look in preferences to see if this has occurred in Fast Dial somewhere.
Many thanks
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by aikeaguinea on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 19:29The Firefox setting for my homepage is "about:blank" in order that hitting the standard home button (not the Fast Dial" button) should return me to the Fast Dial main page ...which has all worked perfectly up till the upgrade to FF3.5.
Similarly there has been no change to my extensions and there were no conflicts between Fast Dial and any extension under FF 3.0.11.
I was getting no error messages relating to fast dial previously either.
The only non standard addition which I made to fast dial was to use the "Vista" background.
Could that be an issue?
Being very cautious of upsetting my Xmarks server setting (for a third time) I have now uninstalled Fast Dial completely - so cannot investigate any new error messages.
I can say that previous error messages on the error console only referred to the Google Toolbar.
My extensions are as follows:
Adblock Plus
Autofill forms
Bookmark Previews
Google Toolbar
IE Tab
Java Quickstarter
Site advisor
One interesting point re the tabs issue is that under Fast Dial random bookmarks will not open as a new tab as I described.
The same bookmarks will also not open under speed dial while Fast Dial is still installed.
Uninstall Fast Dial and all bookmarks open correctly under speed dial.
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 06/25/2009 - 19:48Thank you for your feedback and for your list of extensions
The Firefox setting for my homepage is "about:blank" in order that hitting the standard home button (not the Fast Dial" button) should return me to the Fast Dial main page ...which has all worked perfectly up till the upgrade to FF3.5.
This is useful to know.
This has not been reported before.
Will ask others with this problem if they can reproduce.
Very useful
I have loaded again 2.22b into 3.5b4.
Could not reproduce your problem with Home page.
What I did find was that the name of my Fast Dial Root folder that was called Root had been renamed Fast Dial.
Many thanks
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by Dave G (not verified) on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 16:14I'm getting this same nulljcolor issue. Fast Dial completely blew its brains out on me today. I upgraded to FF 3.5 yesterday and everything seemed to be working fine but now all my Fast Dial content is gone and I'm left only with a blank white screen instead of my Fast Dial cells. What gives?
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 07/01/2009 - 16:17Dave G
I'm getting this same nulljcolor issue. Fast Dial completely blew its brains out on me today. I upgraded to FF 3.5 yesterday and everything seemed to be working fine but now all my Fast Dial content is gone and I'm left only with a blank white screen instead of my Fast Dial cells. What gives?
Thanks for your feedback
There seems to be a big problem around with 3.5 (see other posts)
But the cause is quite unclear.
I tried using 3.5 but could not reproduce
Please try this for a start
Many thanks
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 08:26After several monts of tweaking the Fast dial crashed today. Blank cells and null color response. upgraded to 3.5 yesterday. The bookmarks
are still to be found in a big heap in the folder "unorganized bookmarks". Upgraded to 3.5 yesterday. Will wait for a fix before reinstall.
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by aikeaguinea on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 08:56Just trying to help you sort this:
As I stated in my original post at the top of this thread the disappearing cells and nulljcolor syndrome also screwed up my Xmarks (formerly Foxmarks) account.
By which I mean it screwed up the account on their server and not on my system.
Accessing the same account on my laptop which was still running Firefox 3.0.11 and fast Dial 2.11 at the time came up with the same Xmarks error message (sorry I cannot recall the exact wording - something to do with error code 3) and on the two occasions that it happened I had to create a new account to re-establish a working account.
Is it possible that this may be relevant in someway to problems which you are having.
Should also add that this problem was not instantaneous upon the installation of FF 3.5 but first occurred maybe the next day.
I had also been running FF3.5 RC2 since its release with no apparent problems.
I also note that ,like myself ,other posters seem to have installed 3.5 one day and it is the next day before Fast Dial crashed -so maybe something in the reboot process is triggering it?
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by kail on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 15:59Same thing happened to my FastDial set-up. I gave up any thought of recovering the original FD pages & tried to uninstall and install it clean. But it installs in the exact same state, with all the settings & in-browser options blank (even after hunting down & deleting all FD related files). Basically, FD is does seem to be working. Selecting a Theme generates the null-color error, which is not surprising given that all the settings blank.
There seem to be a few related topics on this.. I'd upgraded to FF3.5 sometime before & FD just emptied with no apparent reason (seemingly unrelated to 3.5) after a Firefox start-up. I'd also not updated anything else in FF since yesterday. There's no apparent reasons for that I can currently discover for this. And, so far, I've not noted any other add-on problems.
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 16:08kail
Thanks for your post.
I wish I understood what was happening.
I have run FD 2.22b in Firefox 3.5b4 without experiencing any problems.
So has the developer and mafi0z.
But that does not mean of course that there is not a problem, but it needs to be reproduced.
Do you find that you can reproduce the problem in a new Fast Dial Profile with only Fast Dial running ?
Are you getting any error messages ?
Please see here
Re: "nulljcolor" and blank cells!
Submitted by kail on Thu, 07/02/2009 - 16:10Hang on, I manged to get it all back, by re-installing FD & then Importing a back-up of all my bookmarks from yesterday. That worked. I guess it just remains to see if it stays working. :)