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Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 04/17/2009 - 16:02Also d&d between folders will be helpfull.
Drag and drop of cells between Folders does not work in Fast Dial Version 2.22b
Please try here:
for Fast Dial Version 2.23b1 where you can drag and drop between Folders
(search bar does not work though in 2.23b1)
Many Thanks
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by Anonimus (not verified) on Sat, 04/18/2009 - 12:06Still not fixed.
The main problem was not in folder D&D.
1folder(for e.x. main page = new tab)
folder displays 9 screens at a time.
10th screen is shown after scrolling.
if one of the first 9 screens is deleted 10th cant be placed into the "free space".
Sory for my english. =)
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 06:44Problem:
1folder(for e.x. main page = new tab)
folder displays 9 screens at a time.
10th screen is shown after scrolling.
if one of the first 9 screens is deleted 10th cant be placed into the "free space".
I am not certain I have understood you correctly..
The second page that is revealed on scrolling only appears if you have less lines on your Fast Dial page than cells
So if you have for example 3x3 settings in Fast Dial and you have ten cells you will have a page on scrolling.
If you remove one cell, you will lose your scrolled to page as your cells fit within the Fast Dial Page.
You can play around. So if you reduce your fast dial page to 3x2 you should recover your scroll to page.
There is a bug in 2.22b.
Scrolling does not work if Fixed setting is used for logos
Many thanks
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by What iz this (not verified) on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 08:57I mean that I drag my "pageshot" from the "10th position". (It drags)
After that I scroll up and try to drop the "pageshot" on the free space(e.x. 1st position).
(It does not drops & returns to the previous position)
As far as I can see the problem can be fixed in 2 ways:
1) While scrolling, the dragged element should be kept and while placing "old position" should contain information about "scroll page".
2) Simply scroliing per line.
Hope you understood the problem.
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 10:18OK
I need some clarication.
Is it possible to use the word cell instead of screenshot ?
What Version of Fast Dial are you using ?
You have a blank space in your Fast Dial Root Folder.
You try to drag and drop your tenth cell to the blank space in position one and it does not stay.
Is that your problem ?
What has this to do with scroll page ?
If you want to move cells around in relation to the scroll page, increase the number of cells in Preferences/General/Quantity to remove scroll page.
Move cells around on the Fast Dial Page until you are satisfied.
Reintroduce scroll page by reducing quantity in P/G/Q.
Many thanks
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 11:541) dont know how to disable screenshots for leaving names only.
2) now - 2.23b1
3) Yes it is!)
4) Sorry?
5) Yes I know about this solution. Also ordering can be helpfull, but this is not the "right solution". Hope you understand me =)
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 12:101) You can load a blank logo to a cell if you don't want to see thumbnail.
Please download here
2) Thank you
3) I cannot reproduce
Drag and Drop seems to work fine in 2.23b1.
4) why do you mention scrolling when you have a simple drag and drop problem.
5)Good I am glad you know about this method.
Many thanks
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 15:53@anonymous:
So what you're saying is that you want to be able to scroll from page 2 to page 1 and drop a logo from page 2 onto page 1?
If so bug reproduced.
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by What iz this (not verified) on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 16:14Let lokk at the example:
9 icons per page.
10 icons placed in 2 pages. 10th is in the second.
1 of the icons from the 1st page is deleted.
Trying to d&d 10th icon from the second page to the first and....
It does not works properly.
I cant change 2 icons situated on different pages. Dropping does not work.
Yes, changing the quantity of the icons per page works, but it is not the way this should be.
Re: Drag & Drop shortcuts btw several pages.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 04/19/2009 - 16:24Thank you
Your description is clearer now.
I can confirm that drag and drop between scrolling pages does not work in Fast Dial 2.23b1
I have had confirmation from the developer that drag and drop in scrolling pages stopped working in Fast Dial 2.22b.
So it would seem that drag and drop in Folders was fixed in 2.23b1, but not drag and drop in scrolling pages.
I hope this answers your query
Many thanks