Can we have favicon shown in each cell?
rocksoccer —Thu, 11/20/2008 - 16:44
Thanks for the great work. It is great to have menu auto hide in 2.14, though it is still not configurable.
I don't know whether the following suggestions are good for everyone or not.
1. As indicated with the subject, is it possible to make every cell show the favicon of the corresponding site? I think this would be nice. Speed dial has got this feature, and it looks nice.
2. Auto hide is a great feature, but do you notice that the area to active ff to show the hidden bars is so small. I have been using Greenbrowser for a long time before I switched to firefox. In Greenbrowser, when moving the mouse to the titlebar, the hidden bars will also be shown. I think in that way users could have a little more space, hence easier, to show the hidden bars. Also, the blank area in 2.14 could also be saved (more web showing space, GOOD!).
3. There is one thing I don't really understand. Why do you remove "Add to fast dial" in the tab context menu? I do miss this in the 1.x versions. Could you please resume this? Or you can have a checkbox in configuration to allow users to make their own choices.
Thanks again.
Re: Can we have favicon shown in each cell?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 16:50@rocksoccer
. There is one thing I don't really understand. Why do you remove "Add to fast dial" in the tab context menu? I do miss this in the 1.x versions. Could you please resume this? Or you can have a checkbox in configuration to allow users to make their own choices.
Your other comments suggest that your are using Fast Dial 2.14.
You have the add to Fast Dial option in the context menu for web pages like in Fast Dial 1.x. You even have the option to save to a specific FD Folder. Is that what you are talking about.
One can also right click on a tab and get the option to save to Fast Dial as well.
Please explain what you mean, I am sure I have misunderstood you.
Regarding Autohide in the next Version of Fast Dial, it is hoped that there will many more options for the Fast Dial User to set Autohide to fit his own preferences,including the right to have no Autohide at all.
I hope that answers your question
Re: Can we have favicon shown in each cell?
Submitted by rocksoccer on Thu, 11/20/2008 - 22:37Thanks for the reply.
I found the problem why "add" in the tab context menu is not shown. It seems to be the problem of compatibility between FD and Menu Editor, which is another firefox add-on.
Is there any way to solve it?
It seems the compatibility issue exists in 2.11, too. I don't have tab context menu entry for FD with Menu Editor enabled, either.
Re: Can we have favicon shown in each cell?
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 11/21/2008 - 04:29@rocketsoccer
I found the problem why "add" in the tab context menu is not shown. It seems to be the problem of compatibility between FD and Menu Editor, which is another firefox add-on.
Well spotted
That explains that.
I am glad you were able to discover the cause of this problem in FD 2.14.
Thanks for the feedback
I have looked at Menu Editor.
It is strange that it is able to see "Add to Fast Dial" in the main context menu, but not in the Tab Context menu.
However I am under the impression that it suppresses the "folder to save to" as well in the Add to Fast Dial option in Fast Dial 2.14.
This is not good news.
As Menu editor is specialised in Menu management, perhaps it would be worth approaching the author to see if the he can interface his program more usefully with Fast Dial menus.
Please let us know how you get on
Regards just for featuring
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