Some questions for Telega
chiaroscuro —Wed, 08/13/2008 - 13:54
1. I was interested to see in a recent post of sjdvda here that sjdvda was using an FD cell with the URL address:chrome://fastdial/content/fastdial.html to return to the Root folder in FD 2 (in FF3).
I found that if a similar procedure is repeated in FD 1 in FF 2 using instead the URL:about:blank that one is then directed to the current FD page.
What interests me to know is if there is any way to derive either in FD1 or FD2 a more exact "address" of each group (fd 1) or folder (fd 2) that could then be entered in the URL field of a cell that could then take one to a group or folder of one's choice using sjdvda's method.
2. In FD 1 there are two small menus.
Is there any way of editing the wording on these menus or are they stored as Bas64 images ?
3. It was decided at some point to call the root folder in FD 1.x by the name Fast Dial.
Please could you let me know if it is possible to edit the description name of this root folder and where in the code I could do this.
4. Would it be possible that you could give me a brief description how to save a customised Version of Fast Dial, so that it can be reloaded again simply if necessary.
I would find this very useful.
Many thanks
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Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by gumanov on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 14:36hmm..
not sure about FD1 but in FD2 each folder has a specific URL,
so telega will have to reply about FD1..
what im interested in is if it is possible to fully customize the FD context Menu..
meaning - being able to remove and add menu items if you wanted.
(i want "Add to Fast Dial" back :p )
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by telega on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 14:411. Unfortunatelly groups in FD 1.x don't have addresses, so this is not possible. Making groups have addresses was one of the reasons to create FD 2.x.
2. Menu structure is coded in file overlay.xul, line 53:
Menu item names are represented by strings like "&openInNewTab;". Actual strings are listed in files named fastdial.dtd, which reside in subfoders of chrome/locale folder. If you couldn't find it, I can give more detailed description.
3. Beside file fastdial.dtd there's file, which contains string "fastDial=Fast Dial", edit this line.
4. Zip contents of the folder (not including the folder itself) and give the archive ".xpi" extension. Then you can install it like any other extension.
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by telega on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 14:46@mafi0z,
Removing a menu item is easy, just add #the_item { display: none; } to css file. To add a menu item you have to do some javascript coding.
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 17:06@Mafi0z
not sure about FD1 but in FD2 each folder has a specific URL
Does that mean that it would be possible to set up in each folder in FD 2 a custom Back Cell using the URL you mention, which would take one to the previous Folder as if it were a Group Cell, like in FD 1.
And then even give it a transparent back arrow custom image stolen from FD 1 ?
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 18:39@Telega
Many thanks for your full reply
Regarding your answer to one, which I fully accept, I still remain curious to know how the Back Arrow Cell is able to be so precise in it's function if as you say "groups have no addresses".
I am very grateful to you for all your other answers and will set to work immediately.
Many thanks
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Wed, 08/13/2008 - 21:56@Mafi0z
i want "Add to Fast Dial" back
I can understand your wish
!ENTITY addContextMenu ""Add to Fast Dial" item in context menu"
Good luck. :-)
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 08/17/2008 - 22:10@Telega
Perfect !
Thanks !
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by telega on Thu, 08/14/2008 - 02:13@chiaroscuro,
Thanks, you're welcome.
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sun, 09/14/2008 - 19:15@ telega:
I also have a question:
what types of images are supported?
Does FD support .svg's?
Re: Some questions for Telega
Submitted by telega on Mon, 09/15/2008 - 04:34@Mafia_Penguin
> what types of images are supported?
Does FD support .svg's?
When custom image is specified, FD loads it in a browser page, takes a snapshot and saves it as a .png file. So .svg is supported, just it isn't used "as is", but is converted to .png.