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Logos (Existing or new) will not load - FF 35.0.1 & FD 4.12
FDUser —Sat, 02/14/2015 - 07:23
Hi FD developers,
I have been using the FD for FF extension for years with no particular problems. Yesterday, however, after an installation of an extension (AutoPager) which completely ruined my FF UI I can't seem to get it working right again.
Due to the problem created by the above mentioned extension I had to refresh my FF profile and re-install all of my extensions (except the one that created the problem in the first place, of course). Now everything works fine except for FD which will just refuse to load most of the logos (the links work just fine though).
Most of my logos are stored locally in a dedicated folder as JPG or PNG files, some will load, some not. Logos located on the internet, as well as logos of new links will just not load nor refresh.
I have already tried :
* disabling all other extensions leaving only FD
* changing FF themes including the default one
* Re-installing FD
The problem persists and I have no clue of what to do next except for uninstalling FF completely and starting from scratch, which I prefer not to do at this point.
Any ideas ?
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Re: Logos (Existing or new) will not load
Submitted by telega on Sun, 02/15/2015 - 02:24