[DONE] Four Requests
EPBiker88 —Tue, 07/08/2014 - 20:47
Got a few for you here:
The first one is efirstbank.com. There are a couple that are their old logo with black backgrounds, but the new one is an orange square.
Second is egifter.com. My salary gets paid in Bitcoin, so I visit them pretty often.
Third is drakulastream.eu. I've been watching the World Cup there and use it for other live sports.The cable bill got to be too much, so I had to cut the cord. I really like their new logo:
Finally, last but not least, is BitMeter OS. Since I use Linux, that's what I have to use as a a bandwidth meter. It's not a website per se, just a web interface for an app, but I'd love to have a logo based on their tab icon:
I always prefer transparent background with reflection. I really appreciate it. And as always, if you post your logos with a BTC address, I'll be happy to tip.
Re: [DONE] Four Requests
Submitted by Deva on Sat, 07/12/2014 - 18:09efirstbank LOGO
egifter LOGO
draculastream LOGO
bitmeteros LOGO
Re: [DONE] Four Requests
Submitted by EPBiker88 on Sat, 07/12/2014 - 21:59As usual, top notch work. Thanks so much!