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Problems implementing backups of links in new versions of Firefox
diazpsi —Sat, 11/09/2013 - 16:23
I’m an old user of fast dial. I use this Firefox extension since some years ago, and I have about two thousand categorized links I collected over several years.
Well, I have a backup in json extension that I used when I change to another computer or another operative system. But with the newer versions of Firefox, I can’t do that (I’m currently using the last fast dial version: 4.11)
Please, are there any way to implement the backups in new Firefox versions? It’s very frustrating for me to lose the work of many years.
Regards, diazpsi
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Re: Problems implementing backups of links in new versions ...
Submitted by telega on Sun, 11/10/2013 - 01:42You can install an old Fast Dial version, where backup was implemented, so you don't lose your work.
Otherwise use Firefox bookmarks export/import.