k-dash —Sat, 07/12/2008 - 10:07

Google logo with transparent background.
3 versions - 1st one is plain, 2nd one - with reflection on surface, 3rd - for those who like "web 2.0 style".
pics are 300x225 px @ 72 dpi.
(upd. 07.22.08): Logos reloaded (v2.0) =)
(upd. 08.08.08): Alternative surface and no surface logos added.
hav a nice day.
Лого гугла с прозрачным фоном.
3 версии. первая - стандартная. вторая - с отражением на плоскости, третья - для любителей Веб 2.0.
картинки 300 на 225 пикс., разрешением 72 точки на дюйм.
(обнов. 22.07.08): Новые лого. Версия 2.0 какбе.
(обнов. 08.08.08): Добавлены логотипы с альтернативной плоскостью и без плоскости.
Submitted by k-dash on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 10:29Appy polly loggies,
I don't understand what are you trying to say.
I like this logo simplicity too.
The surface/reflection things is for pleasing ppl that like this stuff. Though I understand that I cannot please everyone.
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 11:37k-dash
Appy polly loggies,
I don't understand what are you trying to say.
Appy polly loggies
I had seen this quote of Ruth Kedar the designer of the Google Logo, and thought it might perhaps interest those who who looking at your work.
Submitted by k-dash on Fri, 08/08/2008 - 12:21ah, understand now.
it's just this quote is very famous, so I thought that most ppl visiting this site, already knew it.