Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
chiaroscuro —Thu, 10/30/2008 - 22:19
This may be me
But I find myself quite unable to create in a New Profile, a working Root Folder in FD 2.14.
Not sure why.
I get a white screen if I hit FD Toolbar Icon
If I create Root page in FD 2.11 (works fine) and then upgrade to 2.14 well then everything works fine.
No white page or anything
Advice please !
What am I doing wrong ????
I am putting something together on this subject here
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 19:43MafiOz
I wonder if this unwillingness on the Part of Fast Dial 2.14 to create a Fast Dial Folder is an effort to placate the users of Foxmarks
If a second Fast Dial Folder is not automatically created then Foxmarks users are not immediately embarrassed by an unexpected synchronisation of their different Fast Dial Profiles.
If this is the case then a warning to this effect could maybe be added to the Pop up.
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 19:45Here we go again!

Fast dial 2.15 is gonna be great!
But that's true...
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by sjdvda on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 19:59@mafia_pengiun
Could you please tell me what to edit in the overlay to disable autohide??
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by Mafia_Penguin on Sat, 11/01/2008 - 20:06Open overlay.xul (in your profile folder->extensions->fastdial@telega.phpnet.us->chrome->content)
and replace ALL OF IT with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://fastdial/skin/toolbar.css" type="text/css"?>
currentTime) continue;
FdSnapshot.create(item, items[item.folderId]);
setTimeout(Fd.autoRefresh, 60 * 1000);
setAsHome: function() {
var menupopup = document.popupNode.firstChild;
if (menupopup._resultNode) {
populateFoldersMenu: function(menupopup, onCommand) {
var bookmarks = FdBookmark.getBookmarks("BOOKMARKS_MENU").concat(
for(var i in bookmarks) {
var bookmark = bookmarks[i];
if (bookmark.isFolder) {
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", bookmark.title);
menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", onCommand(bookmark));
populateAddMenu: function() {
var menupopup = FdDom.get("fd-add-menu").firstChild;
function(bookmark) {
return "Fd.addPage(" + bookmark.id + ");";
populateOpenMenu: function() {
var menupopup = FdDom.get("fd-button").firstChild;
function(bookmark) {
return "FdUtils.openLink('" + bookmark.url + "');";
if (menupopup.childNodes.length > 0) {
var separator = document.createElement("menuseparator");
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", FdBundle.getString("preferences"));
menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "Fd.openPreferences();");
populateLinkMenu: function() {
var menupopup = FdDom.get("fd-add-link").firstChild;
populateSearchMenu: function() {
var menupopup = FdDom.get("fd-search-menu");
var searchService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/search-service;1"]
var engines = searchService.getEngines({});
for(var i in engines) {
var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");
menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic");
menuitem.setAttribute("label", engines[i].name);
menuitem.setAttribute("image", engines[i].iconURI.spec);
setSearchEngine: function(menuitem) {
var uri = menuitem.getAttribute("image");
var searchService = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/search-service;1"]
var engines = searchService.getEngines({});
for(var i in engines) {
if (engines[i].iconURI.spec == uri) {
searchService.currentEngine = engines[i];
var wnd = content.wrappedJSObject;
if (wnd.FdDom) {
var search = wnd.FdDom.get("search");
var searchIcon = wnd.FdDom.child(search, "img");
searchIcon.src = uri;
addPage: function(folderId) {
var item = {
url: content.location.href,
title: content.document.title,
folderId: folderId,
index: -1
var message = FdBundle.getString("pageAdded");
export: function() {
var file = FdFile.chooseFile("save", ["*.json"]);
if (!file) return;
var menupopup = document.popupNode.firstChild;
if (menupopup._resultNode) {
var rootId = menupopup._resultNode.itemId;
var root = FdStorage.getItem(rootId);
var folder, folders = [ root ];
while(folder = folders.shift()) {
var items = FdStorage.getItems(folder.id);
folder.items = items;
for(var i in items) {
if (items[i].isFolder) folders.push(items[i]);
FdFile.writeFile(file, FdUtils.toJSON(root), true);
import: function() {
var file = FdFile.chooseFile("open", ["*.json"]);
if (!file) return;
var data = FdFile.readFile(file);
var root = eval(data.value);
var translatedIds = [];
var folders = [ FdUtils.clone(root) ];
var id = root.id;
var menuitem = document.popupNode;
root.folderId = menuitem.node.parent.itemId;
delete root.id;
delete root.items;
translatedIds[id] = root.id;
var folder;
while(folder = folders.shift()) {
var items = folder.items;
for(var i in items) {
var item = items[i];
if (item.isFolder) folders.push(FdUtils.clone(item));
var id = item.id;
item.folderId = translatedIds[folder.id];
delete item.id;
delete item.items;
translatedIds[id] = item.id;
setTimeout(Fd.autoRefresh, 3 * 1000);
addEventListener("load", Fd.initialize, false);
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 01:23@Mafi0z
It has occurred to me that because of problems with synchronisation in Foxmarks that it is better if the Root Folder is not named Fast Dial before the popup menu is shown.
It would however be good if there was an option to chose the name of Fast Dial from a list in the pop up menu, but the file would best be created after the choice not before.
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by gumanov on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 01:38hmm. all this talk about v2.15 makes me want to figure out a way we can all easily prepare "wanted features" lists for upcoming releases, so it would be easier for telega.
i cannot figure out the best way to do this. so everyone can contribute, yet have a clean and clear list, not a huge mess.
anyway as for v2.14 - i think what mafia_penguin posted would work (the image with folder selection) ..
the list would contain all your current bookmark folders and the following buttons:
New Folder
Use Default
the use default button would create a "Fast Dial" folder, and use it as ur fd root
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 01:51hmm. all this talk about v2.15 makes me want to figure out a way we can all easily prepare "wanted features" lists for upcoming releases, so it would be easier for telega.
i cannot figure out the best way to do this. so everyone can contribute, yet have a clean and clear list, not a huge mess.
You could easily start a post with suggestions for 2.15 like your other post for requests for FD 2.
Somehow though you would have to add items in your post as they were suggested.
It would be your post that would be the reference point, the suggestions would be in the thread
Excellent idea
As you say it could be helpful to telega
Many ideas have already been put forward and could be included in your post
I am not sure about voting though
Essential that this post is made by you.
Re: Unable to get to Root Folder in New Profile with 2.14
Submitted by chiaroscuro on Sun, 11/02/2008 - 01:59anyway as for v2.14 - i think what mafia_penguin posted would work (the image with folder selection) ..
the list would contain all your current bookmark folders and the following buttons:
New Folder
Use Default
the use default button would create a "Fast Dial" folder, and use it as ur fd root
Yes, Your suggestion is a good one.
The important thing is that it is extremely simple and does not confuse the first time user with choices that he or she does not understand
You could have you know like you have in some software a prompt where there is a default setting already selected and a custom one for the adventurous.
The default is usually described as recommended.
If you hit the New Folder/Custom then you could see the other folder options perhaps.
And New Folder/Custom prompt could also be used by Foxmarks
There would need to be a way for the Foxmarks users to input a new name but also have the Folder selected as the Root.
Good stuff !
It would be good also to be able to purge unwanted folders from the add to fast dial options list.
Maybe default could be just fast dial folders and additional folders could added as an option as well