Some methods used to try to find high quality examples of Logos

Loosely based on the following by Gumanov

Some thoughts I have put together:

so looking for Logo for


First if practical get image from URL with right click View Image

That is the starting point.

First Google search

xxxx wiki (with or without com to suit)

Hoping that there is a logo on wikipedia.

Their logos are usually excellent

If there is one that saves a lot of time.

If not then Google search

xxxx logo (without com/org I find usually better, but try both to suit)

Image search and web search.

If you find something half useful then use the extension Tineye and see if you can get further clues

Also a tineye search using that first URL logo might find something.

Also any tineye searches of any logo you find may throw up something useful.

The lower quality the image means that usually tineye finds less matches.

The results of the tineye search always come up in a background tab.
You can see how many hits Tineye has made by looking at the tab.
So if zero can leave.

The default search is best match but biggest image in Tineye is also useful, but the results are sometimes disappointing.

I guess if you are getting really desperate you could try a

Google search logo

web and image

That's about it.
Hope I didn't miss anything out

Lots of patience needed !

If you don't find a good logo there probably isn't one..........